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Ok so a little over 6 months ago i did acid for the 6th time it was a good trip with little anxiety. My 5th trip was close to 350ug and it was very intense. Ever since then i've had strong anxiety and panic attacks like from my bad trip. Around 2 or 3 weeks after the last trip, i noticed eye floaters, grainy vision, and small moving light points on blank surfaces. At the beginning of November, i developed what i think is minor dp. At the beginning of december i think i developed what is dr and my physician doesn't believe me and says my visuals are normal. And then a couple days ago, i got strong dp and strong visual snow.  So my question is do i have hppd and what should i do

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Yes, if you are getting VS after drug use, that is very likely to be a form of hppd.

Usual advice applies... stay away from all drugs (inc weed)... avoid caffeine and alcohol, where possible, minimise stress, eat healthy, do some excerise, do things that will take your mind of the symptoms.

All the best, Jay

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4 hours ago, Jay1 said:

Yes, if you are getting VS after drug use, that is very likely to be a form of hppd.

Usual advice applies... stay away from all drugs (inc weed)... avoid caffeine and alcohol, where possible, minimise stress, eat healthy, do some excerise, do things that will take your mind of the symptoms.

All the best, Jay

Thx jay   i have a one more question   since i developed dp/dr so late, is it more than likely from the anxiety then the hppd itself?

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Agreed.  Stay away drugs including weed.  Because you haven't dosed too many times chances are good that you'll see improvement over time.  For many the anxiety is the hardest thing to deal with.  Address that sooner than later.  Try to stay focused and keep moving with life. 

I don't know enough about your situation to answer your question about DP/DR.  Nor am i really qualified.  That being said, anxiety can do a lot of strange things both physical and mental.

Good luck!

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19 hours ago, guy23 said:

Thx jay   i have a one more question   since i developed dp/dr so late, is it more than likely from the anxiety then the hppd itself?

Impossible to say, i'm afraid. My personal view is stress is probably responsible for belated symptoms, which will tie in with anxiety too.

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7 hours ago, Jay1 said:

Impossible to say, i'm afraid. My personal view is stress is probably responsible for belated symptoms, which will tie in with anxiety too.

I can live with the visuals but the dp/dr is what makes everything bad.  I have a gf that i love very much, any tips on how to reconnect with her

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Does she know you are going through this? Just let her know that if you are ever distant and unresponsive, it is not due to her, it's just an unfortunate part of the condition ... Generally though, just carry on with normal life as much as possible, you do learn to cope, even with dpdr

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7 hours ago, Jay1 said:

Does she know you are going through this? Just let her know that if you are ever distant and unresponsive, it is not due to her, it's just an unfortunate part of the condition ... Generally though, just carry on with normal life as much as possible, you do learn to cope, even with dpdr

ya she knows   does anyone else get spurts where it's bad but then eases up and then gets bad again.

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