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Let's talk about stranger/individual symptoms

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Hey guys, I'm just curious to hear about any symptoms that you have which you don't see mentioned a lot on here, maybe it's just small things you notice? or maybe it's a symptom that you can't accurately pin on anything that's already defined, just out of curiosity? 

For me I see trails of smoke everywhere quite often, almost like the visual snow is moving in cohesive clouds and is obscuring my vision, this usually happens indoors. Also certain syllables that I hear sound sort of "squelchy" for lack of a better word, there's a self service kiosk at my local shop and it always sounds like it's saying "touch the sqween to start", it doesn't really bother me but it does make me giggle sometimes which makes me look crazy.

Would be really interested in anything you guys have?



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I see images in my head that are reminiscent of CEVs, but with my eyes open.

My consciousness can expand or contract inside my head.

Anything visual you see externally, I see internally.

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I have a few!

The first 3-4 years with hppd, I could see a cross in my vision, like a religious cross. this was especially apparent at night.

After stupidly smoking salvia... I saw huge 3d cogs overlaid onto my normal hppd for about 2 years.

If I look at a straight edge, eg, the top of the tv set... I see what I can only describe as little electrical tornadoes spinning across the surface.

Non visual... I often get bouts of a feeling of dread, like something really bad is around the corner.

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16 hours ago, TheMythos said:

I see images in my head that are reminiscent of CEVs, but with my eyes open.

My consciousness can expand or contract inside my head.

Anything visual you see externally, I see internally.

I get what you mean about the internal visions, I find that also if I have an image in my head it will always end up bending into different symmetrical fractal shapes, making in frustrating to try and visualize anything.

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30 minutes ago, Jay1 said:

Non visual... I often get bouts of a feeling of dread, like something really bad is around the corner.

I get this feeling a lot too! it used to cause me to panic every time but I've come to accept it now, although it has left me feeling pretty negative about life most of the time.

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3 hours ago, Jay1 said:

I have a few!

The first 3-4 years with hppd, I could see a cross in my vision, like a religious cross. this was especially apparent at night.

After stupidly smoking salvia... I saw huge 3d cogs overlaid onto my normal hppd for about 2 years.

If I look at a straight edge, eg, the top of the tv set... I see what I can only describe as little electrical tornadoes spinning across the surface.

Non visual... I often get bouts of a feeling of dread, like something really bad is around the corner.

You got an eeg right? 

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2 hours ago, TheMythos said:

You got an eeg right? 

Yea, nothing showed up. The only oddity was that they noted my eyes flickered constantly. Like when in REM sleep. They didn't seem to think that was particularly interesting though.

I need to get a qEEG, i think

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Another lesser known symptom, though others have mentioned it.... I used to get very horrific CEVs, like scenes from hell. Death, mutliation, rape etc

I stopped watching any porn, horror movies etc and that seems to have fixed it.

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I also get feelings of dread but it's more of a feeling like everything is pointless and meaningless and featureless. It's a feeling of being incapable of feeling joy and like the world is just flat and dead. I also used to feel this strongly on a physical level, I could feel the dread in my head and this is also connected to my bad mushroom trip. I read about Stanislav Grof's Perinatal Matrices and what he described as Matrix II resembles these feelings well.

I also got feelings of like having an abyss in my head or a hole which sucks up my brain/ mind, kind of. Yikes.

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1 hour ago, fruitgun said:

I also get feelings of dread but it's more of a feeling like everything is pointless and meaningless and featureless. It's a feeling of being incapable of feeling joy and like the world is just flat and dead. I also used to feel this strongly on a physical level, I could feel the dread in my head and this is also connected to my bad mushroom trip. I read about Stanislav Grof's Perinatal Matrices and what he described as Matrix II resembles these feelings well.

I also got feelings of like having an abyss in my head or a hole which sucks up my brain/ mind, kind of. Yikes.

So its like a nihilism on a tangible visceral level?

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On 14.9.2017 at 6:23 AM, TheMythos said:

So its like a nihilism on a tangible visceral level?

Yes kind of, I sometimes use the term "nihilistic" trying to describe it. It might appear just like a combination of derealization and depression but I feel like it's "deeper" than just that. I don't really feel it on a such a strong physical level anymore but correlating thought patterns still occur. However I'm optimistic this will dissipate over time.

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On 9/15/2017 at 3:08 PM, fruitgun said:

Yes kind of, I sometimes use the term "nihilistic" trying to describe it. It might appear just like a combination of derealization and depression but I feel like it's "deeper" than just that. I don't really feel it on a such a strong physical level anymore but correlating thought patterns still occur. However I'm optimistic this will dissipate over time.

You ever get migraines? I feel something similar to this when I'm having a bad migraine episode.

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6 hours ago, TheMythos said:

You ever get migraines? I feel something similar to this when I'm having a bad migraine episode.

I get migraines since 2005, not all the time but often enough. Have been wondering if there is a correlation to my weird reaction to psilocybin. However this dreadful feeling and migrain headaches don't really appear simultaneously and I didn't get this feeling before I took mushrooms. 

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My symptoms are, I guess in relation to others' VS is mild. I've only had hppd since April, but regardless I experience dp/dr quite a bit, and I have a tinnitus like ringing in my ears that is pretty loud and can only really be drowned out with constant music. I also have a bit of a foggy mind as if I'm still high, and my reaction time has slowed down, as well as my eyes feeling like they roll very slowly in my head. Also I cant see shit at night, the VS makes me almost night blind. Best wishes to everyone here.


Edited by marce
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When I first wake up my static is strong, but not blinding. For me I box and I think about it when I'm about to fall asleep. Right when I'm on the line of unconscious and conscience I'll throw a punch or spas. It's just recently started happening so idk. I feel like a hypochondriac sometimes. 

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  • 11 months later...

I feel like a constant feeling of dizziness, but not a normal dizziness, if not how low the effects of psilocybin or marijuana. I do not lose my balance but I'm not quite "mentally quiet", as if I'm still on a cloud. It is quite exhausting and tends to have peaks in which I generate a lot of anxiety

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...
I also have these spontaneous vocalizations in my head, they are kind of random phrases that my mind looses from nothing with no sense at all with any voice, sometimes my voice, sometimes from some relative, or some acquaintance, or simply a voice that my mind alone.
Also I usually have flashes of dreams that last for milliseconds and then I can not remember how and what they were. Sometimes spontaneous memories come to me of dreams, thoughts or sensations from times long past. I often remember a random situation in my mind that I can not tell if it really happened or if it was just a dream, because while it seems to be very real, I am almost completely convinced that it never happened.
These totally spontaneous mental images of figures with bizarre shapes that deform very quickly arise in my head whenever I lie down to sleep and the worst thing is that I do not even need to be sleepy for it, maybe it is because of the abrupt change of clarity to darkness when I go to sleep. Nowadays I'm cured of HPPD, at least my visual symptoms that used to be sensations of movement or flashing things in my peripheral vision, seeing faces of animals in things, some tracers appearing when I looked at some shiny surface, like a floor of marble or hail and also palinopsia. But what scared me the most were those weird spontaneous feelings I said earlier, that I remember having some of them before using any drugs in my life, and others began to get more frequent as I started to increase my use of marijuana . When I had HPPD they happened very often and made me very scared, making me think of various shit. They still happen frequently, but I have already adapted to them. It is noteworthy that I went back to smoking marijuana
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  • 2 months later...

Drugs ive used: 3 times LSD 3rd one being full out of body with ego death and all (2 years ago). Cant say was a bad trip though would rather say most amazing experience of my life. Lasted around 30 hours or 35. Looads and loads amounts of weed since then as well as before and during the trip. (stupid i know) Like MDMA once didn't even feel it. Salvia once very bad experience never affected me though. Cocaine like 10 times.

After 2 years of the lsd trip i start having extreme anxiety and some panic attacks due to college stuff... Start re-experiencing some psychedelic feelings while on weed. I go to a psychiatrist tell her i am re-experiencing some lsd like psychedelic feelings and i get prescribed olanzapine while told "don't worry these ones will help you, you will be able to go to college on monday and continue your life". I take the olanzapine for like 3 days small dosages 2 times a day until she tells me to  take 2 in the night. I take the 2 pills and in a matter of 20 minutes i have the same feeling of numbness at the back  of my head just  like when i took LSD. I have a full blown LSD like panic attack and end up in a psych clinic where they insist to give me more 5ht2a antagonists which i throw in the trash immediately and leave. And this is how i got mine... Since then i have

1) Floaters (very mild and rare though)

2) After Images (Pretty Moderate)

3) Trails (most annoying and most noticable)

4) Visual snow

5) Wavy like corners of objects 

6) 2D Perception : Feel like im just  experiencing images like a movie and not living in the 3D world ( I guess dr)

7) Anyways again DP/DR. Sometimes especially if im not on Lexotanil i feel like im ready to leave this reality or someting and go complete ego death

8 ) Bright colors that look alive

9) Halos especially around human heads but in all objects in general

10) Pattern recognition ( Not to the point where they move but to the point i find myself staring at them for 4-5 secs )

11) Breathing surfaces ( very mild though ) Only becomes moderate if there is lots of light

12) Double vision not at all times  though mostly if i leave the house

Edit: forgot some of the most disturbing

13)Problems with time recognition ( but i guess thats included in the DR )

14) Short term memory issues



12) Problems falling asleep

13) Very intense dreams which my mind seems to have hard time forgetting ( Since the olanzapine and lsd like panic attack day i remember like all of the dreams i had )


It has been 8 days since the olanzapine thingy and at this point i would  be happiest person alive if only i could fall asleep in deep sleep and no dreams and at last have some rest.

Even lexotanil (benzo moderate thought not xannax strong) which helps greatly with some visuals and dp/dr doesn'tseem to help me sleep well

I take 0.5 morn, 0.5 lunch and 1 in the night... still cant fall asleep easily

Also afraid of what im going to live/experience when i have to cut down on them since ill eventually have to ( tolerance )

I believe thats pretty much it

Edited by HalluciSofos
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