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Does HPPD mean abstaining from psychedelics forever?


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Got HPPD 6 months ago, made 2-3 months long break from psychoactive substances, and then carefully started checking if my symptoms worsen with substance use. Shrooms surprisingly seemed to have no effect, but weed, alcohol and mix of 2C-B, weed, 1P-LSD and MDMA (yeah, I know) worsened my symptoms a bit. I have a fairly mild version of HPPD, so it doesn't make my daily life much more difficult except not sleeping that well, feeling a bit tired from looking at things and a weaker night vision.

Anyway, I decided to cut everything, even alcohol and caffeine till I'm back to normal. And I wonder if, let's say after 10 years, with all symptoms gone I will have to still abstain from psychedelics. Maybe just from the "hard" ones like LSD and DMT? And maybe I'll be able to get away with just drinking alcohol? I'm not taking any chances to check this myself, so I would much appreciate help from Your experiences and knowledge.

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I can understand asking this question with mild hppd. Some of us have it pretty severe and the idea of even touching a drug makes us cringe.

If you want it to become severe...sure, go ahead and use drugs. If you want a full recovery, abstain.

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For me, I think it was cumulative.  I noticed something after my first dose but if I had stopped there I think it would have cleared up.  Even in the first few years it didn't seem bad.  But when I stopped after 6 years, I realized I had a real problem.  Also, with the analog chemicals not much is known.  Be careful out there.

There are times I imagine what it would be like to dose again.  The required materials are certainly available.  I've just found that I'm really happy being sober.  I'm not f*cking with the flow.

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My guess is that 10 years from now your desire to try psychedelics again will be almost nonexistent. There's a reason people quit doing drugs as they age. Getting short bursts of dopamine might make you feel good for a few hours but that's no recipe for real happiness. 

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You may as well ask "if i play russian roulette, will I die?"... None of us know for sure... Yet we can all tell you that it's a stupid idea.

I might offend some people saying this, but mild hppd is a walk in the park... Something you can easily live with for the rest of your life. Severe hppd is one of the worst things you can ever experience. Is an 6 hour high worth that risk?

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Thank you for your answers. So, what you're basically saying is that even if I fully recover, I'm still much more likely to develop HPPD again if I try psychedelics than a person that didn't had this problem?

The question is how much more likely. If it's a case of just a bit bigger chance to develop HPPD than unafflicted person, or if of almost being sure that it will come back. You see, for me psychedelics (especially LDS and Mushrooms) are much more than just a way of getting high. They worked as a kind of chemical psychotherapy for me and shifted my perspective of life in a very deep way, making me happier, more motivated and full of energy. If I had to accept my HPPD permanently in its form as it is as a price for what I experienced, I would gladly do it. And actually I am happy, and I was happy when I started experimenting with drugs out of sheer curiosity. It's why I was able to try stuff like codeine or mephedrone once and never feel the urge to continue using them.

Still, if it's the case of high probability of getting HPPD back even if I seemingly fully recover, I'm going to abstain. It's not a big deal now. Though I still don't know about alcohol, if I should treat it the same way as psychedelics or give at a chance at some point of my life. Not that I'm a huge fan of it, but profits of drinking in social situations are often bigger than health risks.

Edited by Murtra
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No one can answer those follow up questions either, unfortunately... hppd is not a linear, easy to determine condition. You might take 10 tabs, be fine... then take the 11th and be put into hell for decades.

My advice is, be thankful for what you have learnt with pyschs and that you have come out fairly unscathed. Stay away from mdma too, fucking devil's drug for hppd sufferers.

I'd say a bit of alcohol every now and again wont hurt you much... but again, what works for me could be bad for you... go easy, learn your limits.

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Some people here can have a beer on the weekends and be fine. Some people can't. There's a certain sensitivity with hppd and the spectrum is vast.

Psychedelics may have helped you at one time but I'm in agreement with Fante that hppd is some kind of cerebral injury. You have been mildly injured by psychedelics, and you're at a higher propensity for becoming more injured the more you do.

I did drugs for the better part of a decade. I continued to use years after I got hppd. I'm slowly recovering from my last major flare up but why would I put myself through that again just to gain a little insight? Not worth it to me.

You couldn't PAY me to do drugs again.

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