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SSRIs not worth any try?

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Many HPPD sufferers reported that SSRIs didn't help them or that it even made their symptoms worse. Can you describe in what way it made your symptoms worse?

Also has ANYONE made positive experiences with SSRIs and if yes, in what way?

I got prescribed Citalopram a while ago but I didn't really bother to take  it because I read so many negative things about it. However I am interested in some more anecdotal evidence for this. Mainly because on DP/DR websites some people report that SSRIs have helped them. 

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Paxil gave me permanent floaters. Black, moving, cobwebs, hundreds of tiny moving dots.

None of my experiences with SSRIs have been good.

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Lexapro gave me anisocoria which has yet to subside a year later. If you're after an antidepressant there are many natural routes to go that are much safer. Many people have said SSRIs helped them, but I don't know of anybody who's claimed they've particularly helped their HPPD symptoms. 

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This poison will f**** you up, don't take it. You can treat anxiety/depression or other mental disorders with other methods, which are much more safe and efficient. (CBT therapy or other therapies, exercice, meditation/relaxation, hypnosis etc.)

"Rather than fix chemical imbalances in the brain, the drugs create them.”
- Robert Whitaker, Anatomy of an Epidemic

 Prior to treatment, patients diagnosed with schizophrenia, depression, and other psychiatric disorders do not suffer from any known "chemical imbalance". However, once a person is put on a psychiatric medication, which, in one manner or another, throws a wrench into the usual mechanics of a neuronal pathway, his or her brain begins to function, as Hyman observed, abnormally.”
- Robert Whitaker, Anatomy of an Epidemic

Edited by lysandre
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I have been on citalopram before. I didn't notice much but when I got off I felt better and was able to withdraw in a week since I felt so good coming off of it. I have a friend with hppd who took Prozac and it FUCKED HER UP. She was suicidal by the end. This was only on 10mg if it too. Once she stopped taking it she rapidly improved.


i agree to trying something else. If you need to get more serotonin try other shops. Inositol is a good try. Maybe rhodiola would be good. Or other drugs that increase BDNF (Keppra does; 7,8 dihydroxyflavone, lithium orotate. I don't recommend the last two since one is a research chem (I have tried it though), and the second one is also a serious medication) 


exercise is good for for BDNF as well. Intermittent fasting too.

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