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Being forced off clonazepam

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Charlie, when you get these visuals do you feel like there is excess "electricity" in you body and/or mind?  I'm curious because that's what happens to me at times.  Just as a side note, I read one of your notes where you described having closed eye visuals.   I used to have crazy CEVs.  That's one symptom that has gone away amazingly enough.  Not 100 percent but close.  Hang in there!

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20 hours ago, MadDoc said:

Charlie, when you get these visuals do you feel like there is excess "electricity" in you body and/or mind?  I'm curious because that's what happens to me at times.  Just as a side note, I read one of your notes where you described having closed eye visuals.   I used to have crazy CEVs.  That's one symptom that has gone away amazingly enough.  Not 100 percent but close.  Hang in there!

Not to hijack Charlie's thread but how long did it take for your CEVs to go away to the point where it no longer bothered you?

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36 minutes ago, MadDoc said:

CEVs went away roughly 25 years after I stopped dosing.   Strange thing was I really didn't notice.  One day I just realized they were gone.  The mind is a strange place.

Sometimes I wonder how much of HPPD is focus-based...how much of this we're creating just by thinking about it or acknowledging it in the first place.

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On 28/05/2017 at 7:10 PM, MadDoc said:

Charlie, when you get these visuals do you feel like there is excess "electricity" in you body and/or mind?  I'm curious because that's what happens to me at times.  Just as a side note, I read one of your notes where you described having closed eye visuals.   I used to have crazy CEVs.  That's one symptom that has gone away amazingly enough.  Not 100 percent but close.  Hang in there!

No I've never ever had anything like that, I don't ever feel particularly different when I have objects morphing in my vision, it just gives me a heart sinking feeling and more anxiety cause my mind is not always aware of my hppd and I'm learning more and more to ignore it but it's so difficult when things morph randomly because it's like I'm tripping again and I hate it

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4 hours ago, TheMythos said:

Sometimes I wonder how much of HPPD is focus-based...how much of this we're creating just by thinking about it or acknowledging it in the first place.

I'm my experience I'd say when I'm feeling really depressed and anxious I definitely notice all my other symptoms a lot more, especially if I've been emotional, my visuals go absolutely crazy so I try avoid that as much as I possibly can.

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I've found that focusing on something like work, a hobby, driving, or even something as simple as bird watching (hey, I'm old) reduces my visuals significantly.  If I'm just walking with a clear head my visuals dominate.  I'm not sure if that's something that might help but, as I've found, anything is worth a try.

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  • 4 years later...
On 5/17/2017 at 6:21 AM, mgrade said:

I hate to say this ....but.....you don't seem real.  

Hey mate, give him a break. I take Clonazepam 2mg tabs and they have a cross hair. Each 0.5mg quarter is equiv to 5mg valium.


They have a cross hair for a reason because there the strongest benzo on the market bud. Remember we are here to support each other bruz much love

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On 5/11/2017 at 4:14 AM, Charlie77 said:

Okay so basically I've had hppd since February 2016, my symptoms were in my opinion very severe especially the anxiety and dp/dr, after a month of no improvement I was so desprate I got a private doctor to prescribe me clonazepam 0.5mg x2 a day and it was a miracle within 2-3 months I was pretty much 100% better but the clonazepam was causing memory issues so I decided I was 'cured' and tried tapering as advised by my doctor 0.25mg every 2 weeks and following this I had some withdrawal symptoms mostly confusion, getting angry easily and becoming manic at times, I was however smoking weed again everyday at this time (not sure if it helped with withdrawal symptoms) for around 2 months before I tapered cause I believed I was better and it also never gave me any indication it would bring back or make my hppd worse, I came off clonazepam for about 2 weeks and everything was great I was 'cured' then one night after taking some questionable cannabis oil pills it all hit me like the first time and I was experiencing sever symptoms and had to leave my job and of course went straight back on clonazepam on normal dosage (also quit weed and all drugs again including caffiene and cigs etc) and things got a lot better slowly again and I returned to work which brought back lots of anxiety to the point I had an anxiety attack every night after work and only slept 3-4 hours max and of course this made my symptoms a lot worse and I had to quit work again as I believed it would make me premenatly worse if it carried on or just end in a massive breakdown, this was 3 weeks ago and my sleep is almost back to normal with me now getting a solid 6-7 hours and my anxiety is mostly gone except my dp/dr is coming back mildly and it's horrible I haven't experienced this at all since early on when it began last year before clonazepam, my doctor and every doctor I've seen will not prescribe me anymore clonazepam and I am being told I have to wean off it even though I'm not ready and they know this full well but they are going to starting cutting my down By force very soon and the though of that is terrifying, so I was looking for some advice and help on here about weaning off clonazepam safely and weather it's just gonna make me go full blown hppd again because honestly I can't live through that again it was extremely traumatic for me, I've been prescribed lamotrigine but I'm too scared to take it due to the horrible stuff people have said about it on here and elsewhere on the web and it looks like it's the same as clonazepam it will mask it for awhile then I'll go through withdrawal hell if I ever try coming off it. Has anyone here successfully come off clonazepam and isn't on any medication? If so are your symptoms getting any better at all? Sorry for the long post I'm just so desperate and wanted to get down as much info as possible but I really feel like this is make or break for me, I have no family support and no doctors want to listen to me, thanks for reading guys I hope you can help.

Hey Charlie, what was the outcome since you made this post. Still got HPPD? on Clonazepam? Let me know please.big love bruz

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