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Can you help me about symptoms ?

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Hello everyone, I have some questions to reassure me about HPPD and what I feel:


I introduce by explaining the context: I was at a friend home from friday to sunday, i took LSD during the week end. No bad trip to notice.

Monday, I go to my job place by taking the train, during the voyage, I read about secondary effects and irreversible risks that the LSD can create, and that created a great anxiety in me, I was scared to have symptoms, and to see pseudo-hallucinations ... Arrived to my job place I began to look at the window at the right side of my desk to ensure me that i don't have pseudo hallucinations (it was not) but arrived to my work break, I go to the ground floor of my work's building, And I restart to ensure myself that I don't have pseudo-hallucinations. I was really scared to have HPPD.

Since that time I'm sad and depressive about the fact that could have HPPD...

- No trails around objects in movement

- No visual snow

- No Light aura around objects

- No christmas-light effect, highlight, of flash effect when I look at spots and lights

- I can read perfectly

- I see colors perfectly

- Just when I look at the sky I see little transparent points moving when I'm concentrated in

- I just focalise my mind on my absolute fear to have HPPD, and this could cause anxiety and the reason to demand your opinion about me and to reassure me

Is there HPPD or just Anxiety created by the fear to have it ? Thank you in advance for your help

PS: After how long can we be sure that we do not have any risk to have HPPD anymore ? 


Thank you in advance, really.


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It's good news.... You don't have hppd! The little points you see are probably white blood cells, perfectly natural... If you don;t look for them, you wont see them.. Simple!

I would suggest that if you have this level of anxiety just from the thought of hppd, then you should never take LSD or other drugs again... and if you do feel the need to take drugs, research the possible problems before you take the drug, not after ;)

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Thank you for your answer,

Yes, I'm really anxious, some times I say that I don't have it, that's my anxiety that make me feel that, and everytime I look something inconsciently I'm afraid about having symptoms, this makes me feel bad... so I have a great tree in my garden, when I look at it for 2 or 3 seconds I have little shadow when I look somewhere (sorry I'm not crazy, but really anxious ^^)

just when I look at a white wall, I don't see the "visual snow" but I see tyniests points moving around like static very sightly (very very sighly, I'm asking myself if is it normal or not, or if it's because I pay attention to...) and some objects that I see makes feel the same thing

otherwise, and I think that's anxiety too, when I watch TV, it's really weird, I see perfectly the movie and the details, but I'm preoccupated by the fact if I could have HPPD, and this is a loop, everytime I look i'm scared... I have the impression to being crazy everytime I look at something, that creates multiple anxiety attacks...

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I think you're just fine, I went through the same thing at 17-18 years old and thought I'd blown my head mate. I even stopped smoking weed to see if anything would get better. Truth be told, I may have been experiencing mild HPPD effects, but I guarantee they were exacerbated tenfold by my focusing on them and being anxious about them. I guarantee you are going to be okay, just take some time to let your brain rest and recuperate after psychedelic experiences and you should be okay. Much peace and love!

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Sounds like anxiety is you main issue.  When I first had symptoms there was no question about it, I had hppd though it didn't have a name at the time.  Also, it's not unusual to have some short term effects after taking psychedelics.  The most sound advice in this thread is just stop taking hallucinogenic substances.  You may never get hppd but why live with the constant anxiety that you might?

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Thank you for your answer MaDoc !

I'm really anxious because I'm scared with the fact that HPPD can affect life forever, and I don't want that :/

Right now I'm working at my job office, and I'm always preoccupated by this, this morning I looked at some buildings to reassure me that I don't see afterimages, When I look at a building in my vision field (in the landscape) and If I look up after 1 second, I have a shadow trace of the top of the building that disappears in few seconds, that's the kind of things that makes me anxious, and having panic attacks, and makes me believe that is symptoms of ... ?

is it normal to have this ?

How to ensure me effectiely that I don't have HPPD ?

I'm so sorry to be boring, but I really need to prove myself and be reassured forever

Thank you in advance guys !

PS: I can see very sightly static when I look at a white wall and generaly plain colored wall, is it normal ?

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If you keep searching for issues.... You will start to see the little natural oddities in your visual field that are perfectly normal.

Stop freaking out... You don't have hppd... Rejoice... Enjoy life... Forget drugs

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Thank you for reassure me, I read more and more articles and in final I wanted to have good opinions to determine what is true or false concerning the articles I read, principally for static points and for afterimages (that preoccupated my mind everysecond I see something)

All is clearly normal then ? Thank you for your answer !

But just curiously, how do start HPPD ? Directly after taking drugs ? Or few days after ?

because some friends wanted to test LSD but I want to warn them about what they can risk, and what I risked too ^^

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Then HPPD can hit long time after takibg drug so ?

We're not fully protected after taking the drug ? HPPD can arrive few days or few months later of drug took ?

and after images are normal too ? Not every object I see but principally a thing on a white background (like text on iPhone) or some things (little shapes) in the dark ?

and finally, Flashbacks cannot trigger HPPD ? If do not take LSD anymore I'm fully protected of HPPD ?

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Jdk, relax.  Everything is going to be fine.  It doesn't sound like you have hppd.  Even if you do develop symptoms, which sounds unlikely if you stay clean, you can live a full and productive life.  You say you work in an office so I'm assuming that you're working in a profession  (forgive me if I assume incorrectly).  I've had significant hppd since I was a kid and it hasn't hampered my ability to peruse a cerebral career.  Tell yourself that everything is going to be just exactly perfect and keep moving forward.  I apologize if I'm coming off as preachy.  It's just in my nature.

Please keep posting even if no symptoms are evident.  There are a lot of bright and knowledgeable people in this forum.  At least for me, the more I know, the less I worry.

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Thank you MadDoc for your answer

I know that is just anxiety attacks, that makes me focalise on everything to assume that I don't have it...

If I stay clean ? Can I continue weed with no risk ? That's different ?

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I can't touch MJ.  It makes my visuals intolerable and it gives me a very uneasy feeling.  I can't say if it will be a problem for you.  We're all different in how psychoactive substances effect us.  All I can say is what I would do.  I would remain sober for some period of time to see how I was doing.  There is never "no risk" in life.  I know quite a few people who have used psychedelics and consume MJ on a regular basis with no apparent hppd.  Then again there are some that find MJ very unpleasant including auditory and visual hallucinations.  It's something you need to decide.  I'm probably  not saying anything you don't already know and I'm no expert on hppd. I'm just an old guy who has had it for a long time.  Dig through this site.  There's a lot of information here.  Knowledge is power!  I hope everything works out for you.

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But globally, do you really think that I don't have HPPD ? Yesterday night my anxiety dissapeared and i didn't noticed anything

When you have HPPD, symptoms are continuous ? You have it everyday and everytime ?

Because if I did not noticed anything yesterday night that's a good sign

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You don't have hppd.

hppd is continuous and you don't have to look for it... It is noticeable, even when mild.You came through unharmed...

Just try to learn from this...  You clearly have some issues with anxiety and overthinking that are probably not drug related... So I would totally avoid drugs, from now on... 100%, not even weed.... Just go and enjoy life :)

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All right, I can say right now If I do not take drugs again, I have at the right time no risk to develop HPPD at all or in the future?

My LSD took date of more than 8 days


Concerning weed, I can smoke again with no risks in link with HPPD ?


Thank you all for your answers ! I will be more reassured ?

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No one in the world can answer those questions regarding "no risk"... Very little is known about hppd, lsd etc... So asking definitive questions about the future is impossible. All I can say is that from anecdotal evidence from other users here (100s of other users) there is very little risk you will develop hppd after 8 days without symptoms. Unless you take more drugs

so, of course there is risk if you smoke weed.

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You have just the beginning of persistent effects from street LSD (is what it sounds like). 


If this is a case of HPPD, it is possibly THE most mild case.   


One concern is this:  depression and anxiety. 


This can be a reason why people turn to street drugs or a result of taking street drugs.  


I suggest you get your depression and anxiety treated by a GOOD professional.  It may be talk therapy.  It may be medicine. It may be relaxation techniques.  But go to someone who knows about this stuff.  Maybe an MD psychiatrist.  Or others as well but not people who are going to take you out of the realm of reasonable options of treatment. 

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You think I have HPPD ? ?

I'm anxious from basis, but I began to be extremely anxious when I read articles about risks of LSD, and since I read about HPPD, I'm on everything I see to reassure me that I don't see light trails, that I don't see orbs around lights, that I don't see static on walls and ensure me that is normal etc... just more anxious and really afraid by the fact to see my life changed, and I don't want that. 

This appear to be crazy but just anxiety, I ensure me that I don't have it, that is extremely rare, but often that I could happen to me.

And as I understand, know to prevent HPPD I can't take weed or alcohol anymore ? ....


Thank you all and sorry for anxiety, but that's really difficult to fight it :/

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hppd is persistent and you don;t have to look for it. It's that simple. The little flecks you see when you look at the sky are white blood cells, my wife can see them if she focuses hard enough and she has never taken any drugs or SSRIs. Like her, you do not have hppd!

The bottom line is that no one here can tell you that weed will be safe, no one here can tell you that alcohol will be safe. You have to make a decision on what risks you want to take... Weed carries more risks (and worsening your anxiety is FAR more likely than getting hppd)... Large amounts of alcohol carries some risk.... A few beers on a saturday night carries very little risk.... BUT, no one in the world can say it carries zero risk.

Seriously though, you don't have hppd, not even mild hppd. You have an anxiety disorder, that's what you should focus on fixing.

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I need to assume that. That's globally anxiety for more reasons, that provocate a hell scare about HPPD, anxiety makes me inconsciently take care about all I see in my vision field, before that I had my mind preoccupated by other things and I didn't took care about floatings or anything. After knowing of existence of HPPD, it makes me feel very bad feeling everytime I'm looking, that makes me crazy, I ensure me everytime that I'm not seeing light traces, orbs, light trails or either visual snow, and the worst is when I'm afraid about seeing afterimages, I'm stuck on the landscape and I see top of buildings when I'm looking somewhere else. I'm sorry to repeat some things that I've already said, but just to explain that anxiety makes me troubleshoot everytime because of the tiny number of people that know it, that it is an unknown syndrom, that any kind of medicine could care that. And globally that affects me because of my age, I'm 21, and I have wonderfull projects in my mind, in work and in love, and knowing of the risk to get HPPD makes me feel sad and very anxious (I'm scary about evolution of HPPD, that can impeach to live life...), I'm working on a method to obliviate this nightmare, and to go on, but that's very hard. ??

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