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So I'm 20 now and started smoking heavy amount of weed throuout HS. All my friends decided the wanted to be the next poblo escabor so they started selling big amounts of weed... so we would smoke about 7g in one sitting for about 4-5 years straight. Everyday... when I got into junior year LSD came around and I tried it about three times.(All separated apart like about 5 months each time.) They told me what I tripped was something like 25i and c. And they told me it was RC(reasearch chemicals). After I stopped smoking weed about 5 weeks ago I noticed that I had visual snow on flat surfaces and especially the dark. I thought it was normal until I got curious one day and did some research to find out it was not normal:( now I'm really paranoid and have crazy ass anxiety that I might be suffering from hppd. I don't get any visuals unless I stare at something hard for like 10 sec and when I'm not thinking about it I don't notice any of it including the visual snow. It's been a year sense my last RC/LSD trip. Am I just paranoid? God bless you all that have This syndrome to. I might be the next one to join y'all on this life TRIP. 

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4 minutes ago, Austin said:

So I'm 20 now and started smoking heavy amount of weed throuout HS. All my friends decided the wanted to be the next poblo escabor so they started selling big amounts of weed... so we would smoke about 7g in one sitting for about 4-5 years straight. Everyday... when I got into junior year LSD came around and I tried it about three times.(All separated apart like about 5 months each time.) They told me what I tripped was something like 25i and c. And they told me it was RC(reasearch chemicals). After I stopped smoking weed about 5 weeks ago I noticed that I had visual snow on flat surfaces and especially the dark. I thought it was normal until I got curious one day and did some research to find out it was not normal:( now I'm really paranoid and have crazy ass anxiety that I might be suffering from hppd. I don't get any visuals unless I stare at something hard for like 10 sec and when I'm not thinking about it I don't notice any of it including the visual snow. It's been a year sense my last RC/LSD trip. Am I just paranoid? God bless you all that have This syndrome to. I might be the next one to join y'all on this life TRIP. 

And on my last trip I did expirebce a pooping sensation in my brain right where my forehead is. It popped for about 5-10 mins. It didn't hurt either.

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It's going to be hard in your early 20s but you should probably stop all drug use. It could lead you down a path of suffering that you don't want to go down.

It sounds like a mild case of hppd. Anxiety is probably your biggest problem right now though. Visual snow was my first symptom in 2009 after taking mushrooms and its still there but I don't notice it anymore. My brain has filtered it out from my existence as being a problem. The visuals don't bother me at all anymore.

Just give it time abstain from all drug use and you'll get better.

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It it possible it can get worse over time. This has all started when I stopped smoking weed and my anxiety has sky rocketed and I've started self diagnosing myself which I've heard is really unhealthy.  Like I said it been a year sense my last trip and about 5 weeks off the pot. I just turned 20 today too so that is also brining a lot of stress. Sometimes I feel like I'm not really there. That happens when I think of it so do you think that just anxiety and my mind playing games on me? It's like 2 seconds I feel that it's kind of trippy. All this happened when I think about it. It doesn't happend just out of knowwhere. I hope your overcoming whatever your going through. God bless us all 

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I don't think it'll get worse if you completely stop using drugs.

The 2 seconds where it feels trippy sounds like dissociation. I think you're obsessing on the visual snow and stuff and giving yourself a case of Depersonalization/Derealization. 

You're saying it's all happening when you think about it. That's the key right there. You need to figure out how to move past this so you're not obsessing on it so much.

How often during the day are you thinking about hppd?

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Yeah dude you most likely have hppd.

Just breathe and relax. Its going to be alright. Plenty of people have VS and for some people it diminishes over time to where they don't even notice it anymore.

This forum has thousands of registered users who don't post here anymore because they recovered and were able to move on with their lives. You're going to be fine.

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I'd say you have what I refer to as pre-hppd... If you have to force it on, then it is in a mild form and will very likely go completely if you stay sober, get healthy, eat well etc. At the very worst, you will just stop looking for it (I have a feeling alot of these visual issues were always there, we just filter them out perfectly, pre-drugs)

I went through this stage and ignored it (this was before the internet!)... It can become hellish, but only by pouring fuel on the fire...

No point getting stressed about it now though, I'd suggest not even bothering reading further until you try the sober/healthy approach and see what is really going on... but the most important thing is to stay sober. Your body/mind is ringing out alarm bells, you have to listen.


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4 hours ago, Jay1 said:

I'd say you have what I refer to as pre-hppd... If you have to force it on, then it is in a mild form and will very likely go completely if you stay sober, get healthy, eat well etc. At the very worst, you will just stop looking for it (I have a feeling alot of these visual issues were always there, we just filter them out perfectly, pre-drugs)

I went through this stage and ignored it (this was before the internet!)... It can become hellish, but only by pouring fuel on the fire...

No point getting stressed about it now though, I'd suggest not even bothering reading further until you try the sober/healthy approach and see what is really going on... but the most important thing is to stay sober. Your body/mind is ringing out alarm bells, you have to listen.


Jay is right on. I was actually thinking about the idea of "pre-HPPD" last night because we were talking about it in the Caffeine thread. In the article Sara links to the doctor mentions if you have visual snow to stay away from drugs. Well, I had visual snow in high school (which I also may have contracted from drugs), but I kept doing drugs and then I got full-blown HPPD and DP. If someone had told me about this I never would have taken acid and never would have gotten to where I am now! 

So yeah, just don't do drugs ever again and you'll probably be fine. Also, working out, eating healthy and perhaps finding a therapist will help you a lot. 

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Ur lucky u don't have palinopsia or any additional symptoms so maybe visual snow will go away completely just like Jay said .

mine started with vs and few weeks after , palinopsia and floaters appeared. During those weeks I was very anxious due to vs . So try to distract urself as anxiety can worsen ur symptoms or perhaps even give u additional ones . I really hope for u that it goes away completely . No one deserves visual snow .

@K.B.Fante how long do u have vs ? I thought u've been having it for 2 years . And how long did u use drugs ?did u have any vs before using drugs? I'm curious about the course/development of ur hppd .

As for ur improvement, would u say ur vs has even improved compared to ur high school years or has it gone back to that level?

Plus this is something that I'm desperate to know : did anyone's vs go away completely? And how long can it take for it to go away ? And how likely is it that it will go away and never come back ? I want it completely gone !! Even mild version of it is torturous! 

U guys know a lot about hppd/vs and have been on here for a long time so I hope one of u can answer my questions ( I think Austin will benefit from the answers as well) and perhaps give me some hope or reality check ...

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I considered lamictal and keppra but they can both cause dangerous rash and I have a history of getting nasty rashes and allergies plus success rate with lamictal is extremely low . Dutch prof Michel Ferrari had tried with his vs patients without any success . keppra has higher success rates in general. 

I am hoping that this drug will work for vs :http://www.1storderpharma.com/pipeline/ 

if it ends up working for tinnitus we might have a chance as well and since it's an improved version of an old anti-epilepsy drug I am hoping that it will be available within 5 years instead of 10 . Although... I donno if I can live with vs for a whole year so leave alone 5 years or more ... 

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VS is really weird. Don't get me wrong it is def difrrent. I was totally fine and didn't realize my VS until one day I started to do some research on hppd to realize VS is a sign of hppd and that's when I started realizing I have VS. that's what sent me off to bad anxiety. It's been about a year now sense my last acid trip and about 5 weeks off the dope. When I smoke dope I didn't get any sesation of how acid felt which makes me feel better. But VS is on flat surfaces for me and especially in the sky like the picture I posted above. I've been telling myself the past few days just to be happy I don't have any other diseases like cancer etc. and I know I brought this apon myself and I there's no going back. I've been taking deep breaths and just going with it and it seems to be helping. My biggest fear is that it's going to worsen and I'm going to start getting visuals and DP and feeling like I'm not apart of the world like I'm floating. I guess I'm lucky that I didn't get it as bad as other do and I hope that it doesn't make them do something to themselves that will hurt others like family. Life's trippy as it is you just increased the trippyness a little ?  And Sara my advice to is just sit back for now and take deep breath and enjoy the stars.  I feel the pain so does everyone else. I wish you luck I'll keep you in mind and follow your progress

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20 can be a wonder age.  It can also be a stressful one.  Do you think some of your anxiety has something to do with the life changing decisions that get shover at you?  What I'm saying is your anxiety might not be caused from MJ and a few psychedelic experiences.  Something to consider.  The visual snow, I gather, is more of an indicator.  I never had it myself.  Instead, I had visuals from the get go.  People have mentioned avoiding drugs and I realize that can be difficult.  But if you stop for some period of time and focus your life the symptoms may moderate.  Hang in there!

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4 minutes ago, MadDoc said:

20 can be a wonder age.  It can also be a stressful one.  Do you think some of your anxiety has something to do with the life changing decisions that get shover at you?  What I'm saying is your anxiety might not be caused from MJ and a few psychedelic experiences.  Something to consider.  The visual snow, I gather, is more of an indicator.  I never had it myself.  Instead, I had visuals from the get go.  People have mentioned avoiding drugs and I realize that can be difficult.  But if you stop for some period of time and focus your life the symptoms may moderate.  Hang in there!

I blame 75% of this on anxiety and obsessing that I might be suffering from hppd like jay1 said. I know the 3-4 times I've sure acid is probably the reason for my vS. I've yet to get any visuals tho which I'm grateful for. 

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