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Max Grips

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Hi, I've just started using this site. My name is Max and I'm 17 currently in high school. I got HPPD around 2 years ago but only started to notice and get bothered by it about a year ago when I went sober. I've tried to talk to my mom about it, she says the things I see are things I've had my whole life but are only just now noticing. My friends are all in high school and I just don't feel like I can talk to them about it. I've had trouble coping lately and my HPPD has been causing me a lot of anxiety and depression as time goes on. I thought I'd have learned how to cope with it by now, but not at all. I'm just looking for general advice, can anyone here offer me some?

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It sounds like you are doing alot of things right... Going sober is 100% the way to go and telling your mum was a smart move, even if she is having a hard time understanding... At least she knows if you want to start heading down the medication route. Have you tried cutting other things out, like caffeine? bad food? anything else causing you stress? have you tried exercise?

How did you get hppd?

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On Tuesday, March 21, 2017 at 3:24 AM, Jay1 said:

It sounds like you are doing alot of things right... Going sober is 100% the way to go and telling your mum was a smart move, even if she is having a hard time understanding... At least she knows if you want to start heading down the medication route. Have you tried cutting other things out, like caffeine? bad food? anything else causing you stress? have you tried exercise?

How did you get hppd?

I took a lot of LSD twice within a 2 week period around this time two years ago. I got a lot of strong flashbacks but I assumed it was part of "the trip" and was natural and would go away. After taking LSD, I also tried ecstasy, xanax, and constantly smoked weed and drank, all of which I imagine made it worse. About a month after I went sober for non-HPPD reasons, which was about 8 months after I believe I first got HPPD, I started to realize something was very wrong and when other people couldn't helped I researched extensively online and have diagnosed myself with HPPD. I try to avoid caffeine and sometimes I exercise, though I'm not sure it helps with the HPPD very much. What do you mean by bad foods?

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Bad food, eg, alot of junk food, processed garbage with too much sugar and salt.

I found that fixing the things i could, like my physical health, helped me to start fixing some parts of my mental health too...

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On Thursday, March 23, 2017 at 4:17 AM, Jay1 said:

Bad food, eg, alot of junk food, processed garbage with too much sugar and salt.

I found that fixing the things i could, like my physical health, helped me to start fixing some parts of my mental health too...

I'm vegetarian for non-health reasons so I think I avoid a lot of bad stuff from that but I do consume junk food sometimes... Should I quit soda candy chips and all such things completely?

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