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Druggy feeling

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For a long time, I constantly felt like I'd recently taken some psychedelic. With time, this feeling has diminished. It's still there, but to a lesser extent, and I've mostly learned not to be scared by it (this in itself helps a lot, but it all takes time, of course).

That being said, benzodiazepines (particularly clonazepam) definitely gave me some short-term relief, but it's not something I dare use on a daily basis.
For me, Keppra (Levetiracetam) did provide some relief from the visual symptoms of HPPD, which helped with the general feeling of derealization. Unfortunately, my doctor took me off the drug due to elevated liver enzymes, but this seems like a fairly uncommon reaction.

Sorry that I don't have any "quick fix" answer to your question :-/ .

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I had this when I first got HPPD but it only lasted for about three months. I constantly felt high, but not in a good way, and it felt like a weed high rather than acid which is the drug that gave me HPPD. I always thought this was strange because I hadn't smoked weed in two years prior to getting HPPD. I also had Depersonalization symptoms of feeling transported back in time to when I was in high school. Clearly some aspect of my hippocampus got messed up, but like I said these feelings have mostly dissipated. I still feel them a bit here and there but they're hardly noticeable at this point. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 3/10/2017 at 6:37 AM, K.B.Fante said:

I had this when I first got HPPD but it only lasted for about three months. I constantly felt high, but not in a good way, and it felt like a weed high rather than acid which is the drug that gave me HPPD. I always thought this was strange because I hadn't smoked weed in two years prior to getting HPPD. I also had Depersonalization symptoms of feeling transported back in time to when I was in high school. Clearly some aspect of my hippocampus got messed up, but like I said these feelings have mostly dissipated. I still feel them a bit here and there but they're hardly noticeable at this point. 

what did you do to help yourself recover? My situation is very similar to yours

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6 hours ago, cobalt337 said:

what did you do to help yourself recover? My situation is very similar to yours

Food. I'm telling you, I tried EVERYTHING. Nothing has worked as well as food has for me. I also haven't done any drugs whatsoever since I got HPPD so I think that's played a big role in helping me recover, but nothing has changed my life for the better more than totally going natural, eating nothing but whole foods and of course getting a bit of exercise in every other day.

I made a post recently about my routine. Check it out. Might be helpful. 

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I had the "always high" feeling for a long time.  As the years pass it has significantly diminished.  That being said, it's hard to deny that tripping feeling when I have visuals all the time.  What helped?  Time, sobriety, a clean diet (i.e. not an American diet), and meditation.  Focusing on something like work pushes away the visuals and the general tripping feeling.  I've never taken medication for hppd so I can't comment on that.

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I wouldn;t call it a stoned felling... More like the last hour or two of a strong LSD trip... Where things are starting to get back to normal, but your vision and thinking are still a bit trippy.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

This symptom is still gone but I think about this a lot. How it is possible to feel the influence of a drug long after one quit taking it. Is it because the memory of the experience left a huge imprint on the mind? Flashbacks are one thing but some HPPDers say they are feeling drugged 24/7 (like Jay) and this really puzzles me because this does not seem to be like regular DP/DR. I really hope this will be properly researched one day,

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13 hours ago, fruitgun said:

This symptom is still gone but I think about this a lot. How it is possible to feel the influence of a drug long after one quit taking it. Is it because the memory of the experience left a huge imprint on the mind? Flashbacks are one thing but some HPPDers say they are feeling drugged 24/7 (like Jay) and this really puzzles me because this does not seem to be like regular DP/DR. I really hope this will be properly researched one day,

My guess is that it is neurological.

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