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Are these true symptoms


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I've smoked cannabis for 7 years (14 when I started) from 16 onwards I took ecstasy most weeks up till I was 18 from then I tried magic mushrooms about 6 times first few times I had a good trip then I took them again on Halloween of 2016. From December I ended up having  the feelings of vertigo so I took all the pills the doctor told me to but nothing changed... so I have been put on xanax and anti-depressants things are still the same. My symptoms are of a wobble feeling through my body, floaters, sensitivity unstable feeling when I look around... I'm finding it really hard to wrap my head around things and just feel very lost... my real question is, is this a form of hppd that I'm having?

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It doesn't sound like hppd (floaters are natural) but I think that is a symptoms of dp/dr ,,,, I often feel like I have vertigo when i walk, especially if I look down at my body. A strange coping mechanism i have is to pinch my arm quite hard when it is at it's worst, it sort of snaps me back into my body.

Be careful with Xanax, addictive as hell. Doctors are way too quick to hand them out like candy.... Last thing you want is addiction, withdrawal and anxiety from meds too

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Yeah, sounds like you're verging on Depersonalization-Derealization symptoms more than HPPD. Jay can probably answer this better than I, but my interpretation of HPPD was that it's mostly visual disturbances: streamers, trails, halos, visual snow, flickering, changes in color, breathing textures and surfaces, closed-eye visuals (CEVs), etc. Lots of people end up getting DP symptoms along with HPPD, and visa versa, so you could be someone who just has more DP than HPPD. 

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