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Curious if anybody's tried SAM-e for depression and if so what this did for visual symptoms. I've been on it for about a week and it's helped with depression but I do think it's increased snow a bit. On the other hand I feel a bit more in tune with reality and colors seem more vibrant. I'm going to continue to up my dose as I'm not noticing anything too negative. I'll try and update this in a week or so so given it's difficult to search for "SAM-e" on the site. 

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Update: Definitely works for depression but almost too much. I felt kinda dumb on it, in a daze, almost as if I were on a street drug or something. Also came with a few side effects like decreased libido, frequent urination, fatigue and memory problems. If you're in a deep depression this could definitely help but I wouldn't recommend taking it for longer than need be. 

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One more quick update: Now that I feel this is all out of my system I can look back now and say that I do think this had an overall positive effect on my symptoms in addition to my mood. SAM-e works in the realm of dopamine, which many here seem to have issues with, including myself. I'm very sensitive to meds so I couldn't take anymore than 200 mgs before my vision got blurry and I experience the side effects mentioned above, however it definitely made me happy and I think it helped my frame rate quite a bit as well. It also greatly benefited my circadian rhythms as I slept better on SAM-e than I have in months. Again, as with all meds this should be taken with caution (starting on small doses then working upwards) however I would encourage people to test this out if they're struggling with depression. Might be a much better alternative than the more traditional pharmaceutical routes prescribed by doctors. 

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