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Opioid painkillers and HPPD

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i think about taking tramal against my obsessive thoughts and severe depression..but im afraid it may cause me panic attacks


For your obsessive thoughts and severe depression. You can either run away from you problems by using opiates and weed or you can try and fix the problem.

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i dont even know if my issues can be fixed at all...and it doesnt feel this way but i am still doing psychotherapy working through my painful past...hope that helps ..


..and also i love drugs so much that feel, i cant live without tripping or it will be a terribly boring and useless life..even though i cant really take them anymore, its still in my mind...


sometimes i think...fuck it..i will at least smoke weed heavily one day again..

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When consuming drugs heavily and going to oblivion every is, if things go well, fine. That is not reality though, and it will hit you hard when the dream ends. I also loved drugs, specially alcohol and speed,  but it's not sustainable at all.



Find other things in your life that fill you. There are so many things out there which offer a better overall proposition than drugs.

many people say it..but i think its a myth...there cant be something better than drugs....which is why im so fucked up ..i love them more than anything and its the only thing im interested in, but cant do them anymore...its destroying me...mabye i shouldnt live cause i cant do what i love

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I used to think like that... now i look back and think how sad that mindset was.


Go and travel, you will soon realise there is way more to life than some chemical distortions.

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i cant travel due to low money...and besides, i cant imagine it will help...cause everything is just a kind of impression...just like a drug and i still have these anxiety issues where i cant just sit in a car or train without experiencing nausea, dizzyness and a sense of dp/dr or even panic attacks....life has become pure agony to me cause i cant do anything no matter what..

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I left the UK with €600 and didn't return for 11 years!... I had severe hppd, depression, dp/dr and anxiety... had no meds, no job, no idea where I was going, but knew that my life needed to change. It is easy to find work in some sunny country like Spain or Portugal, especially is you speak English and German.


You can either make excuses and live a miserable life, or just go and live life and hope that the experiences make you a better person.


Anxiety only ruins your life when you don't fight it...... Even yesterday, I was anxious and panicking and was going to avoid playing football because I didn't want to speak to people... But I just said fuck you to the anxiety... Once I was there, it was ok again.

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i dont know man...i think fighting anxiety is something i never want to do cause it makes it even stronger...not to forget that i dont need to be a better person..im not an asshole..


you must be a strong person to leave the country with nothing but negativity and a little money..i could never do it..i guess i would hang myself on the next tree out there cause i feel so alone and hopeless...+ traveling is a very trippy thing to do for me because it results in dp/dr..showing me how big everything is and how small i am and makes me feel trapped within my body...for me it is a mixture of claustrophobia and agoraphobia (dp/dr).


dont know if ill ever change..

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i think fighting anxiety is something i never want to do cause it makes it even stronger.

I actually used to think the same thing so I understand where you are coming from. What helped me, with the subtle guidance of a counselor, is starting small and gradually exposing myself to things that made me uncomfortable. 

So for example, if going into a store makes you feel nervous then try going late at night when there are less people there. After doing that a few times try going a little bit earlier. Keep doing this until going into the store is no longer a problem then try out another place. Etc.



not to forget that i dont need to be a better person

I think he meant it will help you grow as a person

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the problem is its not really social anxiety or something i could find a name for..to my mind it seems to be experience in general that makes me anxious, due to my nonexistent well being...it turns everything i do into hell...dont know how to stop it anymore...never ending downward spiral...i think one day i will give up my life...



I think he meant it will help you grow as a person

i see..

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