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Everything posted by brendan

  1. guardian comment: Detoxification is definitely not nonsense. Colonics possibly are. Its dangerous to group it all together. You only have to understand the up regulation of detoxification phase I and phase II, alongside the premise of biochemical individuality to know that some individuals have impaired regulation and some do not. The environment that some people surround themselves in puts load on this system, and there are many cofactors needed by the cytochrome p450 enzymes essential for healthy detoxification which can be deficient. You also only need to start to study toxicology to know that regular small doses of toxins can have long term effects on human physiology. Clearly there is a need to differentiate between what are marketing and "gimmicks" and what us clear science. But please spend some time reading up your biochemistry before making swift judgements.
  2. Thanks for the fiver, whoever bought some stuff off bulkpowders recently.
  3. thanks for the offer - i'm up for a trial (and a pint.)
  4. my hppd isnt too colour-distorting and i got 100%, but may be a problem for others here. This is a colour acuity test: http://www.xrite.com/custom_page.aspx?pageid=77〈=en
  5. i find a good b complex does boost energy and clarity a bit, but no anxiety.
  6. i take melatonin, but only cos i've got it. I can't say i notice any benefit.
  7. a funny thing i noticed: when i started taking magnesium oxide mixed with malic acid, my urine was quite cloudy for about a week or so. I thought maybe i had a mild urinary infection, but then i noticed it would leave a white chalky powder deposit on the end of my nob (along with the cobwebs and cheese). So either i was pissing out unabsorbed magnesium, or the mix of mag and malic was dissolving calcium deposits maybe in my kidneys. It didnt last, so suggests it may have been clearing calcite.
  8. relevant words of wisdom from the great Henry George (for anyone interested in social justice and economics will be pissing in the wind without knowledge of this chap - his stuff is online here http://www.henrygeorge.org/bearings.htm): "A person living alone would need all of his or her powers just to maintain existence. Mental power is set free for higher uses only when human beings associate in communities. Improvement becomes possible when people come together in peaceful association. This permits the division of labor — and all the economies that come from cooperation. The wider and the closer the association, the greater the possibilities of improvement. Therefore, association is the first essential of progress. "Mental power is wasted in conflict to the extent moral law is ignored — for moral law gives each person equality of rights. The terms equality or justice signify the same thing here: the recognition of moral law. So equality, or justice, is the second essential of progress. "Association frees mental power for improvement. Equality keeps this power from dissipating in fruitless struggles. We thus arrive at our law: "Association in equality is the law of human progress."
  9. this article talks about how poverty reduces your functional iq by using up 'bandwidth'. I kind of feel the same about hppd. I've got a dial-up brain - perfectly capable of downloading any size download, but it takes a lot of time and needs all other programs to be closed. http://www.theatlanticcities.com/jobs-and-economy/2013/08/how-poverty-taxes-brain/6716/
  10. wikipedia says flushing can be blocked with aspirin or ibuprofen. Also: "Flushing is often thought to involve histamine, but histamine has been shown not to be involved in the reaction.[72] Prostaglandin (PGD2) is the primary cause of the flushing reaction, with serotonin appearing to have a secondary role in this reaction."
  11. it hasnt turned up yet. Ive got some 500mg pills of nicotinic acid which help with brain fog a bit, but the flush is a bit of a bore
  12. big respect to onedayillsailagain and syntheso for digging around to find stuff, and digging into their pockets to try it out for us.
  13. Any observations? I've bought some - it's pretty cheap.
  14. i thought i added this last night, maybe it got taken off by a moderator, but basically, this is how i spend my days:
  15. I think this may be the flaw (quoted in study paper here http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0063972: "We cannot exclude the possibility that use of psychedelics might have a negative effect on mental health for some individuals or groups, perhaps counterbalanced at a population level by a positive effect on mental health in others"
  16. http://www.spring.org.uk/2013/08/psychedelic-drug-use-not-associated-with-mental-health-problems.php#utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+PsychologyBlog+%28PsyBlog%29
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