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Everything posted by Jay1

  1. So, for most of us here... summer is on it's way. What are your plans? I think summer is the best time for us hppd'ers... for me at least, the sun makes me feel happier and more relaxed. I have some good plans this summer... we have booked 3 gigs a week with our band at various bars, have a month in iceland in June and we are arranging a small festival (just a few hundred people). Lots of good times. So let's hear what everyone is up to. Let the summer be long, hot and full of laughs.
  2. The vaguely good news is that you can begin to enjoy life, even with hppd. I've said it a few times on the old board... after around 3-4 years I really started to live again, even with strong hppd.
  3. This will sound soppy.... but i'd make sure my wife had the best day of her life (get your mind out of the gutter!), as she has never known me pre-hppd. I try my best to show her what I was like, but it is never fully possible. I'd love to just have a 100% happy, chilled day on the beach with her, nice meal and stuff.
  4. i wish we could get some of these stronger opiates in europe.... all i can get is codeine (or heroin... not an option) probably for the best though, as i like opiates alot.
  5. cheers mate.... good to see you back on here
  6. thanks mate... yea, i can work anywhere with the internet. I don't design much anymore though, just film and upload to make the screensavers... easy life
  7. Here is what I do for a living: http://www.screenspro.com I designed the site, shot most of the video and manage the company. Not a bad way to make money
  8. good luck, my friend... i hope it helps you
  9. I have donated blood, post-hppd.... it was fine, in fact.. i felt a little less dp/dr for some reason.
  10. Thanks mate... time for another one soon... champions league thread (I have tickets to the final, come on Man UTD!)
  11. The first few weeks, I had alot of memory loss and that kind of drunk felling, but that has gone now, with the exception of the 2mg dose, which still dopes me up a bit. Even after a 1-2 week break, I find the dopey effect is much less than when I first started. I guess the receptors get used to the drug.
  12. Over the years, I've tried a varied range of medication with some good and bad experiences. I can't remember the specifics of each, but will try and go over the important ones... Please note that these are personal experiences and everyone differs.... so tread carefully and consult your doctor. Prozac - awful, terrible anxiety, increase in visual problems. 5HTP - Seems to improve mood, with no side effects. Keppra - worked well, lowered visuals around 20% and also anxiety, dp/dr issues. (stopped taking after I had a problem losing my supply of Keppra while traveling, major flare up from stopping abruptly). Would consider trying again. Melatonin - Helps induce sleep, with no side effects. Pregabalin - Didn't seem to do anything, no side effects though. Phenobarbital - reduces anxiety slightly, potentiates Klonopin. Klonopin - reduces anxiety and visuals by around 70% at a dose of 2mg. So, what do I do now?? Currently, I have a system that seems to work pretty well for me. Along with healthy food and lots of exercise: Friday - 0.5mg klono / 100mg phenobarbital Saturday - 0.5mg klono / 100mg phenobarbital Sunday - 2mg klono Monday - 1mg klono / 100mg phenobarbital This gives me quite alot of relief over a 4 day period, then I clean my system for 3 days. Knowing I have another relaxed weekend coming keeps me sane and calm during the week. I also have a 7 day break from both drugs at the end of each month, to avoid addiction/tolerance. Please note that both these drugs are strong CNS depressants with well known down sides and should be mixed only at the advice of your doctor.
  13. Thanks David.... all the best, Jay
  14. Hi all, glad to see this place starting to fill up again. The loss of the old forum was a real shame. I think a medication sub forum is desperatly needed, it was such a great part of the old site and really helped me learn alot about what to consider and, perhaps more importantly, what to avoid. Who agrees?
  15. Hey guys, just noticed the site is back online. Good to see. David, is it possible to create some similar categories as the old one? (medication, spiritual, just for fun etc). I think this will help get the chat started again. Also, the page I had bookmarked www.hppdonline.com/forum leads to a 404 "page not found" page. I imagine this is happening with alot of old users and they think the site is still down, you need to set up a 301 to divert that url to the new homepage. Shout me if you need help with that. Cheers, Jay
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