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Everything posted by Jay1

  1. Would love to try something like that to see if the anti anxiety properties of the CBD would make the THC bearable for me. I dream of smoking a nice joint one day and just feeling chilled and relaxed, like the good old days. As a side note, myself and two other hppders who I chat to on Skype both get increased visuals from even CBD oil, which has a 0.2% or below THC rating. The visual spike is short lasting though. If you do try that particular weed, keep us up to date, very interested to hear about high CBD weed.
  2. 1 toke of strong bud send me into orbit, in a very bad way (seeing things, hearing voices). No two people are the same, with hppd... You will get a variety of answers, some in favour of some weed usage... but no one here can say that it wont cause more issues. That is the nature of drugs. If you do give it a try, start with the lowest THC/ Highest CBD you can get and make a very weak joint. Don't even contemplate bongs or pipes.
  3. You also should push yourself to the very limit, when you exercise.... Spin classes are good. You will probably get a bit of extra dp/dr while doing it and an hour or so after, but the rest of the day, you will feel good.
  4. Probably not, but you then have to ask yourself... "Did it lessen my chances of recovery"?
  5. Be wary, I once did too much (400mg) and started having serious auditory hallucinations and felt very speedy.
  6. Klonopin works wonders for most here. It is, unfortunately, not a long term solution though. Tolerance and addiction can hit as early as 2-3 months into taking it on a daily basis. Be careful with it and it can be a lifelong blessing though... what i do is use it friday, saturday and sunday... then have 4 days off... this cleans the system out and avoids tolerance/addiction (I have been using this method for 5+ years now). It means I can have a long weekend without a huge amount of anxiety or visual issues so I can enjoy time with me friends and family.
  7. Yep, it's time to starting taking advice onboard. While everyone is different, alot of us here have made the mistakes you are now making and have massively regretted it. Weed, mdma, lsd, shrooms etc will give dp/dr to "normal" people for a time after use, so they are always going to have a strong effect on someone that actually suffers from dp/dr
  8. Ecstasy made my hppd exponentially worse. From something that was an annoyance to something that was hell on earth. Fucking about with a bit of weed or alcohol is understandable, but PLEASE learn from the mistakes of myself and others here. MDMA can take you to a very dark place
  9. Great post, really need to find a uk neuro that will allow me to do these tests. the more data we have, the better.
  10. Your solution to your "This is not me" episode is to smoke something that generally causes further dp/dr in hppd sufferers? It's an interesting approach This place gets stranger by the day.
  11. The nonsense is telling people they do not have hppd when the DSM definition shows otherwise. You are saying you know better than a collective of doctors. There is no mention of intensity in the DSM definition. And it is dangerous because you have told someone they don't have hppd, when they might... they might then go to the doctors and get treated for something where the sufferers respond well to, say, SSRIs, and completely fuck the guy with hppd up. Don't come on here and be someone's doctor... Offer your opinion, but don't dress it as a fact.
  12. This is nonsense. Please stop stating opinion as fact, it can be damaging and confusing to people. The DSM description has it's faults, but it is better than some internet guess work.... "The perceptual disturbances may include geometric forms, peripheral-field images, flashes of color, intensified colors, trailing images (images left suspended in the path of a moving object as seen in stroboscopic photography), perceptions of entire objects, afterimages (a same-colored or complementary-colored "shadow" of an object remaining after the removal of the object), halos around objects, macropsia, and micropsia." If you have one or move of the above because you took a drug, then you have some form of hppd according to the DSM, which will hold good weight with your neurologist. Here is a link to the full DSM-IV for HPPD. (I think there is a DSM-V now, but the description is more or less unchanged) https://www.erowid.org/chemicals/lsd/lsd_health2.shtml
  13. I've had insomnia and dreadful dreams (inc sleep paralysis) for 20+ years now, I hate insomnia and hate going to sleep! Just last night I had a variation on my normal sleep paralysis.... This was even worse than not being able to move.... In my dream I had been bricked into a wall, with just a hole in the wall at eye level. I could not move and any time I looked through the hole, demons were looking in the other side, screaming. I tried the usual technique of shaking my head as hard as I could, but as I was bricked in, in the dream, It didn;t work ... Thankfully, my fast breathing woke my wife up and see eased me out of it. I swear I will die one day from sleep paralysis.
  14. Don't focus on what to call it, for now, just focus on getting better. No drugs, eat well, exercise, meditate, de-stress. There is a big grey area between all the different names and terms, it really doesn't matter, for now.... Your doctor is unlikely to have heard about hppd anyway, so just explain the situation and take in info about hppd, vs and dp/dr
  15. What happens when you do hardcore cardio like spinning, similar?
  16. I tried it, made my visuals a tiny bit worse, but did make my mood a little better... Not sure about the interactions with other meds, ask your doctor
  17. Blood flow is the likely culprit,,,, does the spike last a long time though?
  18. My visuals spike for about an hour after weight training, but then go away and I am left with a nice, relaxed feeling. Are you taking any supplements that might affect you?
  19. Sleep paralysis is horrible, i've had it since childhood (so did my mum, strangely enough). Very scary. I think the first thing you need to do is forget about the psychosis diagnosis... Doctors are generally clueless and will use that or depression for any mental disorder they can't understand... Nothing you have written has any links whatso ever to psychosis, so don't sweat it. HPPD can get pretty damn bad, but you wont start hearing voices and stuff from hppd alone. Not sure what to suggest for meds, nothing works for me other than benzos, which i take 3 days a week (friday, saturday and sunday). Helps me get through the weekends and socialise, which is cool. All the best, Jay
  20. Hopefully tripintohell can get some of the same things from meditation as he was from lsd and stuff. I have been doing it a few weeks now and if I just do breathing meditation and allow the CEVs to do what they want, i can feel quite stoned.... I imagine after some time, this can feel like the highs of a trip.
  21. yes.. it really sucks that you can ONLY smoke some weed God, I would love to be able to chill with a mild joint and not have a complete meltdown.
  22. Brandon, you are free vent on here. Lethargic, if this sort of thing brings you down, just don't read it. There are no rules on here other than the usual (no racism, no bullying etc)... Anyone can post about anything they want. I deferred my 1st year at college when I first got hppd... No shame in it, so if that is an option... Maybe consider it. Once I learnt to cope a little better, I re-regristered... It was still a big struggle, but alot easier than it would have been if I had tried in that initial nightmare phase.
  23. Let me know your placements... Let's do the same placements for a month or so
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