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Everything posted by Jay1

  1. I know what you mean about disgust. Like my body is producing ridiculous amount of adrenalin and cortisol. Makes me feel rotten and sick. I would probably tell your doctor, you never know, they might have some brainwave. Benzos are ok if you have alot of self control and can take them here and there, when the anxiety if unbearable. I wouldn't recommend them as a full time med, unless you are at the end of your rope.
  2. If someone asks for advice about Kratom, by all means talk about it. Don't make it sound like I am running a dictatorship. I'm speaking as a hppd sufferer who wishes someone had told me to stop fucking about with drugs and trying to find ways to get high without it affecting my symptoms. Brandon is obviously looking for confirmation from people that certain drugs are still ok. Unfortunately no one can give that confirmation... Not with weed, not with Kratom, not with beer, not with anything that alters the brain chemistry.
  3. Yea, plenty of fun to be had without drugs in a country like australia... Surf, scuba, walks in nature, relaxing on the beach, chasing girls!
  4. What do you think makes more sense on a drug induced disorder forum? 1) Kratom has been shown to cause a very bad reaction in someone with hppd, so I will not recommend it, but will give my experience, if asked. 2) Kratom is fine for me, so I will actively encourage people to try it. If you can't see why I have an issue with 2) then there is no point having this conversation. I'm done trying to rationalise what should just be common sense.
  5. You have been here a few months, i've been here many years... I have seen people have insane relapses from tiny amounts of weed, from under 1g of Kratom, 1 hit of salvia, even from 3-4 beers. I am talking serious relapses or new symptoms that last years. I don't care what you choose to put in your body... I have also done lots of drugs since getting hppd too... I just don't think you should 1) Be encouraging others to take drugs and 2) Stating your experience as some kind of fact for all people.... this is especially true considering that you have only been using Kratom AFTER your hppd has gone. As I have said several times, it is fine to speak about your experiences... But saying, as fact, that nothing can possibly go wrong for another person is naive and dangerous. I don't really get what is so hard to understand.
  6. One step forward, two steps back.... you DO NOT KNOW this. I give up... Get high everyone, it never did anyone any harm, ever. It is a genius way to combat a mental illness that was induced by getting high. Fight fire with fire. BTW - Heroin is fucking magic for treating anxiety, you will not have a care in the world.
  7. From Wiki.... "Most side effects of kratom are thought to be mild, although isolated adverse effects such as psychosis, convulsions, hallucinations, sweating, nausea, vomiting, chest pain, dizziness and confusion have also been reported, albeit rarely." Would any of those things happen to Brandon?... Probably not, but this highlights why any sort of recommendation of psychoactive substances is not wise on a forum for a drug induced mental disorder. You could argue that recommending some meds and supplements contain similar risks... But they generally have no potential for getting high, so fall into a different bracket.
  8. The problem is that Brandon seems to be in a place right now where decision making is not his strong point and is also trying to get reassurances that it is ok to get high (i'm not being judgemental here, I was very similar when I first got hppd). Introducing an opiate/synth opiate is probably not the best move, even if it helps to reduce anxiety.
  9. HPPD is a perfect indicator that humans are not all the same, especially when it comes to any kind of chemical changing substance.
  10. Notice your use of "I".... You only know it for you. I might only have pleasant experiences with crack cocaine, but maybe the next hppd sufferer will end up in a mental hospital? You see my point? Maybe sometime in the future you will do LSD again... What if it doesn't have an adverse effect? You will then assume it is safe for anyone with hppd? Like I said, you do not have any insight into how a drug will effect another hppd sufferer, so wise not recommend it. Now, if Brandon had opened a topic asking "what are your experiences with Kratom"... It wouldn't be an issue.... Within the context of this topic though, you are recommending a drug that has nothing to do with what Brandon asked.
  11. btw - I have done Kratom several times... It did nothing for me, negative or positive (most opiates or synthetic opiates have no effect on me, which makes me think the dopamine receptors are now completely shut off, even raw opium does nothing). From my perspective, it was a crap drug with no high, so not worth any risk.
  12. You DO NOT know that. All you need to say is "Kratom is helping me, but i am just one person". It is that simple. It is fine to share experiences, but to actually encourage other people to use drugs is downright wrong. By your own admission, you do not even have hppd anymore, so it is ridiculous to start handing out drug advice to a hppd sufferer.
  13. As I have said before, a key member of this forum had to be hospitalised because of kratom and was left in a suicidal mess. Please do not encourage drug use just because it is ok for you. Brandon.... Every day you are posting more and more about symptoms, being screwed etc, yet you still want any excuse to be able to do drugs. Just forget about drugs, ffs.
  14. Take all the different papers in (keppra, lamictal, sinemet etc) then ask for their ideas and advice. None of the above are anything close to cures, so maybe they will have fresh ideas
  15. I've felt like this for 20 years now, 24/7 and quite intense
  16. A long term hppd sufferer here (Merkan) had a huge increase in symptoms after Kratom use and had to be hospitalised.... so tread carefully. Trip into Hell, you really shouldn't recommend things like that, just on the basis that it is "ok for you"... also, there is zero evidence to suggest opioid agonists help hppd.
  17. You are not that screwed.... you have parents who, though they might not understand the condition, are willing to help and support you. You have a whole host of info and advice at your fingertips. You are young and caught this early before you went head first into serious drug use. It might not feel like it now, but you are in a position that could easily lead to a full recovery.
  18. Take the bickering to PMs. We should be sticking together, not fighting.
  19. No point lying to your doctor. They need info to make a correct diagnosis. If you want to minimise the upset to your dad, say you only did LSD once... Or even say you got spiked by someone... But you have to mention LSD
  20. I am thinking about growing a super high CBD plant...... like you, a know a bit of a weed expert and he can get hold of some charlotte's web seeds ($300 for 10 seeds!!!) and will grow me a plant with his hydroponics. Would be interested to hear how you then extract the CBD?
  21. There is also the chance that it was some kind of placebo effect.... Maybe I thought I was getting some THC, panicked a bit ,which induced more visuals. I'll have to do some more testing with CBD oil, damn expensive though! I can deal with extra visuals for less anxiety, and I did feel calmer the 3 times I did the resin oil.
  22. Yea, i tired it myself.... If you consider that 1 toke on a joint can make me hear voices, then 0.5g of CBD oil (resin) with 0.2% THC will likely have some effect. I'll try to find zero THC oil. (I have tried vaping CBD and also buying a solid oil resin that goes under the tongue).... The vaping didn't give me any extra visuals, so is probably THC free.
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