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Everything posted by Jay1

  1. Yep, my dad had issues with LSD, though not hppd ... but dp/dr. My brother did alot of lsd too and didn't get it, so it is probably genetic, to an extend.. But not something gaurunteed. Not worth worrying about for a while yet, just enjoy parenthood for a while!
  2. anxiety and stress go hand in hand... work can certainly cause stress I would get off the testosterone anyway though and also get off the SSRI (if you still take it?). See if you get your libido back
  3. I watched a program about how alcohol does different things to people, based on their genetics. Some get angry, some relaxed, some have no effect, some get sad etc etc. I am sure that extends to the anti anxiety properties too.
  4. Sure thing.... He will be in touch in 2016 with full details about the mobile qEEG/neuro feedback machines... UK, USA and western Europe sounds a definite... Asia possible. So far, only myself and GuyInDubai are onboard (we'll pay our own). I can possibly afford to pay for one more for someone, preferably someone who really doesn't have any means to get the cash together.
  5. Alcohol massively boosts gaba, so that is why alot of people get anxiety relief from it... It is, to this day, the only thing that makes me feel comfortable in a social situation... Benzos do a decent enough job, but don't make me feel like my old self.... Relaxed and able to make jokes, speak to new people etc. It is not a way to medicate though... 2 pints of beer reduces serotonin levels by 80% for upto 24 hours, so it is having a crazy effect on neuro chemistry. If you have depression, it is one of the worst ways to medicate, even though you might feel happy while drunk. That's without even thinking about psychical issues and addiction potential. Age plays a part too.... When i first got hppd, i was 16 and alcohol didn't seem to have much effect on the hppd... By the time I was about 20-21 though... Hangovers had become full on bad trips... My worst hangovers have been the most insane and disturbed times of my life. Tread carefully.
  6. Sounds very interesting... I'm pretty sure they ship the unit to USA, so hopefully you can join in.
  7. Be careful... MDMA can give an after glow that makes you feel good, but that won't last forever. See if you still feel this in a month's time before you even think about doing MDMA again. It made me so much worse.
  8. The £250 "mobile" option seems like it would be cheaper than loads of people flying to one country. It is worth speaking to your guy though and getting a price for a proper medical trial of 10 patients.
  9. I had a phone call last night with the head of a clinic called www.brainworksneurotherapy.com They specialise in qEEG and neuro feedback to treat various disorders. They have already had some success with cases of hppd, including what sounded like a pretty severe case that had been going on for 4 years (LSD/MDMA induced). He had also treated DMT induced and cannabis induced hppd (interestingly, the qEEG for cannabis induced hppd was significantly different to the serotogenic drugs). They were very interested in our situation (and drug induced disorders in general) and were confident they could help us with a medical trial. I asked what they could provide and what the costs are, so that we can try and raise the funds. There are two ways to do this: The cases he discussed above were individuals treated over 2 weeks in their London based clinic. The cost is prohibitive for us to conduct a 10+ person trail, at £2000 per person. This included 12-20 sessions, with the support of a specialised doctor to process the qEEG and Neuro Feedback. The second option, which he seemed excited about, was that at the start of next year, they are bringing in mobile qEEG units that can be shipped around the globe, plugged into the internet and done remotely. This would work out to around £250 per person and would include a specialised doctor to process the qEEG and Neuro Feedback, write up the results of the trial and provide us with documentation to publish here and take to our doctors/neuros. He said that to get the best results, we need to have 10+ people who are willing to go med/supplement free during the duration of the trial. This is very important, so please consider this if you want to get involved. Other than that caveat, it can be any type of hppd sufferer, mild/severe, long term/new etc ... The device can be posted to most locations, but he suggested that a European test would be quickest, though I don't want to rule anyone out who wants to get involved... With the relatively low pricing, we could possibly even think about 2-3 group trails.. Euro based, USA based etc... Even Cannabis induced / serotonin induced groups. He said that he thought February 2016 was a good target to aim for. What do you reckon? Does anyone have any experience with NeuroFeedback? I think a group qEEG trial is worth the money alone, but if the feedback treatment helps in any way, that is a huge bonus!
  10. No one can answer that... You might be fine, you might be fucked for the rest of your life, 100x worse than it is now. Taking MDMA after I got mild hppd was what sent me to hell
  11. Just remember, if you start getting Keppra from other people... It is a fucking strong medication and you cannot just stop taking it if the supply runs out, you HAVE to taper down slowly. If you get down to your last 30 pills and the source dries up, then plan your taper. I lost my pills on a trip to NY and went from 2 grammes a day to zero and it fucked me up for months and months... Like an electric storm was going off in my head.
  12. I can't even have 1 toke on a joint without having something of a nervous breakdown, extreme anxiety, seeing things and hearing voices... Scares me to death (yet I still end up trying again, if i am drunk and it is a nice summer evening!). Best avoided, no doubt... I am interested in very high CBD/ultra low THC strains though.... It could potentially be a very good anti anxiety med.
  13. Putting a date on when you recover by is useless. It will make you concentrate every single minute on your symptoms... Constantly looking for change. And surely becoming 18 is a date to look forward to... Doesn't that mean you can start doing alot more things without the need for your parents involvement? Get a job, get health insurance, get an apartment, find a doctor who will listen and advise on meds etc
  14. I've had one, but that was after a serious head injury about 6 months into my hppd.... No idea if it had any long or short term effects really, as I had just taken a baseball bat to the head several times! I think it would be safe though.
  15. Many people with HPPD get tinnitus. I have thankfully never really suffered from that, but it is a symptom I think, as with the visuals... the tinnitus that hppd people get is often quite natural, but we cannot filter it out like we used to. As difficult as it might be, the best cure is to try and forget it... Occupy your mind with other things... I wonder if meditation would help too? Possibly even hypnotism? It seems like your visuals, dp/dr and anxiety are quite low, so I think you have a great chance for recovery.
  16. thanks... I'm sorry if it felt like I was attacking or belittling your viewpoint... Of course, I wish more was being done for us too, but we are a very rare case that also has the stigma of "you used drugs, you took the risks, you live with the consequences"... It is not particularly fair, but that is how alot of doctors and potential backers will think. We do have a core group here who are trying our best though.... Sending out emails and letters to various people that could help. Fingers crossed we will get a breakthrough one day. If you want to help out, we are on skype, i will pm you my username
  17. You need to let the anger go.... How many $billions and doctors work on cancer? Yet, there is still no cure... my wife's cousin will die before Christmas, leaving her husband and 1 year old child. Not every illness gets a magic pill. Life is fücking cruel, but you simply can't let the anger get the better of you, especially a super rare illness like ours. At the very least, use that anger to spread the message, to share our plight with as many doctors as possible like Hope1 is doing www.neurogroup.org
  18. You will go through ups and downs, but you are recovering. You know the best way to say a big fück you to your parents? Move on with your life and become a success. I left home at 17... I left the town I grew up in, moved to a city,got a job and a place to live. You don't need other people's help, just your own. Stay strong... You are seeing signs of improvement... To waste that just because of your parents would be crazy.
  19. Unfortunately, it describes my situation perfectly... I feel trapped in that last 1-2 hours of a long, hard trip... Almost back in reality, but still not close to normal... with trippy thoughts, anxiety, panic, somewhat dream like, any euphoria long gone, body aching... and, of course, visuals.
  20. If you ever get to the position where you are 100% sure that you aint getting better.... That's the worst part! Use that hope to create a positive mindset, not as an extra level of anxiety.
  21. You're both right in your advice. What Bugger is saying is the 100% failsafe answer for alcohol, eg, don't do it... But there is also logic in what Trip is saying, eg, if you are going to do it, do it the cleverest way possible (and i agree with the idea of trying these sort of things away from a social situation, where you can monitor how it affects you). All wasted breath though anyway... First few posts contains the best ways for "safe" drinking... What does Brandon do? go and find some homebrew wine, about as hangover inducing a drink as you can find, haha.
  22. codeine might not affect your visuals... It affects your dopamine levels and puts undue stress onto an already weak part of your brain. If it isn;t making your hppd worse, it still has the potential to make it last longer. Stress plays such a huge part in hppd.... people really need to learn what that means, it is not just the stress of a job or some shit... It is any situation that will lead to a flood of cortisol.
  23. Caffeine, a lack of sleep and a drug that pumps out dopamine... Great idea! Why are some of you so hellbent on making things as difficult as possible for your body/mind to heal?
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