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Everything posted by Jay1

  1. I got some 6% CBD weed (0.1% THC) I smoked a joint of it, straight weed..... I definitely tripped out a bit and had alot of anxiety and increased visuals. Maybe the smell of weed and the act of smoking a joint tripped me out? Either way, I will not be trying it again. Felt alot like a mild salvia trip... Really different to THC
  2. Just a side note.... Also think very hard about staying away from other drugs like mdma, cocaine etc.... They can make hppd seriously worse. You are now playing russian roulette with your mental health... Is 8 hours of enlightenment worth the possibility of a life time (i'm 21 years into my hppd life now) of mental anguish? Go sober for a few months, maybe if it starts to subside, you can enjoy a joint or to, here and there (which I would kill for!) For now though, use the teaching LSD gave you to better your life, get in touch with nature, meditate etc ...
  3. If you are sufferering anxiety and social phobia, it seems you are susceptible to disorders, so I would suggest exhausting all other avenues before trying this
  4. He only said it seems like a gift "to him".... Every case is different and it is a good mindset to get into. Just be aware that your gift can become a nightmare, if you continue with drugs. If you stop now, and feel your hppd doesn't negatively affect your life... Then great. Even with severe hppd, I find 1 or 2 positives (more empathetic, more in touch with nature)
  5. I did the same (well, not quite dry, but 2-3 pints per week)... Certainly feel better for it and sleeping well too.
  6. Instantly... They also stopped hangovers a bit too... Worth exploring
  7. It is anxiety and/or stress related, i'm sure.... I get it worst at night... I might not be feeling anxious or stressed at the time, but I am sure hppd makes us release alot of cortisol. I have possibly found a some help with this..... about 10 days ago, I started taking a supplement of 250mg Inositol and 250mg of Choline. The chest pains have gone... Completely. I want to test this over a month or more though... Maybe it was some other factor or just placebo. But after over 20 years of this problem, it just vanished.
  8. I had that while on mushrooms, but thankfully it is not part of my everyday hppd.
  9. Yes, getting wasted can actually make HPPD quite a lot worse. The "safest" way to have 1-2 drinks, i've found, if a really good Gin, with tonic or bitter lemon. If you don't like gin, vodka + a mixer. If you really want wine, I find that white wine is the cleanest. Stick to a low % one
  10. While drinking... It helps anxiety and allows me to have some fun. The next day... Like a living hell, unless I take a benzo.
  11. Tried it, thought it was shit... Just made me dizzy and increased my dp/dr
  12. haha yea... GBL is used as a tyre cleaning product
  13. It can be addictive, psychologically, because it is taking away your anxiety, insomnia and even your hppd symptoms. Feeling like shit, or feeling almost normal, which sounds better? It is also physiologically addictive. Your brain gets used to those chemicals in your blood and the receptors begin to require them, if tolerance builds, they require more and more. If you can do the 3 day on, 4 day off routine, like I do... You might be able to do it for life. I've experimented with 4 days on, 3 days off too and it seems fine, though I am a little nervous about doing that long term. I am trying this for 3 months: Thursday 6pm - 0.75 mg Klono Friday 8am - 1 mg Klono Saturday 8 am- 1mg Klono Sunday 8am - 2.5mg Lorazepam By taking the Sunday dose early with a faster half life benzo... then taking the Thursday dose later in the evening... I still give my body a good window to clear itself and for the receptors to recover. Once the 3 months are up... I will go benzo free for 2 weeks to monitor any addiction/tolerance build up. Currently, I feel no different during the off days as when I was on the 3 on, 4 off routine.
  14. Did you ever try Inositol, trip? I just ordered some more... It definitely helped my mood during some of my darker times. I know you are against meds, but something like Pregabalin could also really help the anxiety... I know David, the forum owner, also found it really helpful for brain fog and dp/dr and it has a minimal side effect profile.
  15. Nah... No noticeable difference (unless I take a benzo).
  16. And that's how I felt for 3 years... Time doesn't heal everything, but it can work wonders on your mindset. Of course, everyone is different, but I have chatted to alot of long termers on here and the 2-3 year point seems to be a key point where acceptance sets in and somehow helps
  17. I was stuck in that mindset for around 3 years too, then it started to dissipate and the fog lifted. I still had full blown hppd, but something switched in my mind and allowed me to started getting my life back.
  18. I try to focus on the positives.... I am more empathetic with people, less arrogant, more into nature and helping wildlife..... Also... less likely to get addicted to heroin and stuff, less likely to go to jail or die... A road I was definitely on, pre hppd. Of course, I think about the person I could be, without hppd... But try not to dwell on it. My only huge regret is that my wife has never been with me when I haven;t had this disorder.... I would just love 1 year without hppd, so we could just be a happy, normal couple.
  19. Prozac made my dp/dr worse... alot worse... and the anxiety was out of this world. I'd rather do lsd again than that poison. If Keppra had too many side effects, I would think about lamictal. It is a very similar drug, but has different side effects that you might find more manageable.
  20. I emailed the guy about the process: "Option 1 - We send you a case with computer, 19ch EEG amplifier and caps. We log onto the computer - we can see you, you can see us, we run the assessment remotely and we gather the data as if we were in the room. Option 2 - Is the one we spoke about, which is a less expensive way of doing it. We send you the same equipment, but different software. The software leads you though the collection procedure, then it uploads the data to us. While it's not released yet, it is designed to be pretty much foolproof. Neuro feedback can be done remotely as well. We have four units out in the field, and will be expanding further shortly."
  21. I think these gabagenic drugs also trigger the receptors... The supplement just sort of floats about without attaching to a receptor.
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