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Everything posted by Jay1

  1. It is the one time I can lie back and enjoy the (increased) visuals in an almost trance like state.
  2. No offence taken on my part.... You're making a wise move and might be able to enjoy a life where you can take all the lessons that LSD taught, without the crippling mental pain... You will probably be able to drink, smoke a bit of weed and just simply live happy (though I would probably have a few months sober to solidify your chances of avoiding mental issues). I'm sure quite a few people here were in a similar place when they were in between certain stages of hppd, where the temptation of drugs was still strong. You live in a great time where you can jump online and get a pretty balanced risk assessment of how things might pan out with further drug use.
  3. Of course it can get worse.... way, way worse. My LSD induced hppd was manageable and probably like you have now, quite strong visuals, but not major mental issues... but once I started taking mdma, i sunk into a hellish state that has lasted 20+ years now. You are now treading a very, very fine line where even a bad hangover might push you over the edge, let alone LSD or other drugs. I'm sure there are no words that can really put across how bad it can become... that might turn you away from drugs... All i'll say is that I would rather be blind, I would rather have terminal cancer, I would rather have both my arms cut off than have my current level of hppd. Is that risk worth it?
  4. Then you're an idiot. You cry about your parents not trusting you and thinking you only want to get high, then post shit like this?
  5. Good luck man, it is good to take a break, just know you are always welcome back
  6. Good luck with the med.... It is not addictive, so if it works, you can stay on it.
  7. Amazing video.... Your guy seems to be both very knowledgeable about his field, and also has a great understanding of hallucinogen usage, without any kind of judgemental attitude.
  8. As for advice, my best advice is pretty simple.. Get busy doing shit. The last 2 months, I have moved into a house that needs major work... I have been working 70+ hours a week and learning all sorts of new stuff.. plumbing, building, electrics, plastering etc etc, I have been so busy that I have not been thinking as much about hppd... even when I have contractors in the house doing work, I am less anxious, as I have more common ground to talk about. Find some stuff you wouldn't mind getting into and just immerse yourself into it.
  9. It might not be improving things right now, but it might be giving you a better chance of recovery down the line. My long term love affair with alcohol doesn't make my hppd permanently worse.. But I am 95% sure that it has played a part in minimising any chance of recovery.
  10. I have the source natural brand... Coenzymate B Complex
  11. Mine just arrived... It has 13mg (in a complex)... Sounds ok? Edit - I just laughed as I realised I had already taken it before asking this question. I am still a drug person, at heart.... If I see a pill in front of me, it just gets swallowed!
  12. Quick update, I have put in a request for the forum to be upgraded to the latest version. Hopefully that will fix some of the issues we have had. Will take about a week before they can do it.
  13. The deal is that it is a shared server running the forum board, they charge extra to control the vast amounts of spam... I imagine they will help fix any issues, I just haven't got around to messaging them. I'll see if I can change you to full admin
  14. The forum is paid for, it's not going down the drain and will not get deleted again. I don't have the tech knowhow to fix some of the issues though... If anyone can help, please PM me.
  15. He made me laugh by saying that all these years I have been having issues with weed, maybe it was the CBD and not the THC that is tripping me out... Said to try a 0% CBD weed
  16. ok, i chatted to him last night.... He had a small joint, half tobacco, half hemp weed while he was walking his dog... Felt a little different, but not stoned. He was taking a piss by a tree and saw an old man walking up the hill towards him.... He looked down to hide himself away abit and look straight up and the man disapeared... Nowhere he could go... He looked where the man had been and it was just a tree stump... he;d had a proper hallucination! He than got home and sat down for a while and the dog was by his side... He looked across and the dog was outside and had been all the time... another proper hallucination! I think the eBay stuff is maybe laced with something, like the canaboids they put on the legal highs.
  17. Yea, hard to say... He said it wasn't like a normal weed high. I will chat properly with him tonight, as we only spoke for a minute about it, on the phone. One thing I noticed, even though i was full of anxiety, i was horny like a teenager
  18. I gave my friend, a big stoner who is used to 20% THC weed, about 5g of that CBD weed and he said it affected him too and was trippy. I'm wondering if their claim of 0% THC was just to get around ebay rules or something?
  19. Now you say it, i do remember snorting Kanna too, when I had the powder... Some things just have no effect on me... Kratom, for instance... I tried all kinds of extracts and took some big doses, but never got any buzz... Next I can have one hit of Salvia (no extract, just leaves) and get send into orbit.
  20. I tried 10X and 20X, i think. Smoked in a pipe, and also under the tongue (and in tea)... Nothing worked. Yea, i had hoped CBD would work for my anxiety... Just another one of those strange things in the life of my HPPD.... For example, Opiates make me feel like i'm on speed, even 150mg of codeine keeps me awake for 18 hours or so!
  21. I imagine what happens is... Something in smoking CBD* gives me anxiety > Makes my hppd spike > Makes me feel trippy. So it is not doing anything pyschediclic, but it is triggering an increase in my hppd for a few hours, due to anxiety or cortisol. *I also had no adverse reaction to CBD oil or vaping it. Yea, I smoked Kanna, did nothing negative or positive.I think I have tried smoking every ethno-botanical on the planet
  22. Yea.. I've smoked loads of other stuff that is supposed to be relaxing and never tripped out. This had a weed smell, so maybe there is that... But I have also smoked normal weed and never had this salvia like effect. CBD seems to have some effect oh hppd
  23. Actually, i just checked and this weed/hemp had 0% THC I tripped pretty hard... Very much like Salvia (I am typing this after 4 hours and still feel some effects) http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/301861178637?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
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