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Everything posted by Jay1

  1. Great.... We seem to be getting close to have a test group that could be properly analysed. I'll drop them an email
  2. No, just chest pain directly related to anxiety
  3. I do, yea... Still working well for the chest pains. I woke up at about 3am last night and was really over thinking some issues with a work problem... After a while I realised that I would normally have terrible anxiety chest pain, but still nothing. It is like that symptom has completely gone from my life.
  4. Also funny that you are worried about buying benzos off a dealer in case they are cut ( a drug that is so ridiculously cheap to produce and abundent in pure form) but fine buying Heroin off a dealer (a drug that is ALWAYS gonna be cut to shit by the time it reaches Germany).
  5. Kind of a funny thing to say after trying to convince everyone that heroin will not be an addiction issue
  6. Seems like a great plan... Having drug induced mental issues that are compounded by marijuana induced anxiety, then eased by heroin... What can go wrong? Some people might just cut out the marijuana, but adding heroin seems the wisest route.
  7. You need a "had no effect" otherwise the poll will seem a bit skewed as more people try
  8. I think they probably can.... supplements can boost or lower various neuro transmitters that might help or hinder hppd.
  9. There is quite an active chat on skype... Anyone is welcome, just PM me your skype username and I will add you in.
  10. Shame the rest of us can't "only" manage to wipe out hppd. Read that back then think about where you are posting .... I can imagine someone on a cancer forum saying "im fighting back for 1 year and 2 month now and the only thing i have managed is wiping out cancer". It actually made me laugh though. If your brain is capable of recovering from hppd, it is more than capable of fixing the other issues, if you let it.
  11. Don;t be scared to say no to your neuro. If you are getting worse, then removing as many variables as possible has to be the most sensible starting point.
  12. Change your surroundings! That's exactly what I did. I moved to the beach, got alot of sun, surfed, relaxed and slowed my life down. Also, the world is a crazy, fucked up place.... I honestly think people who don't have a head full of panic and anxiety are the proper fucked up ones... To be able to ignore all the craziness that modern living has to offer is plain strange.
  13. It might be worth coming off all the meds and supplements so you can get to know your baseline for a few months. Then you can start rethinking your plan of attack. Maybe get a few benzos to hand for really bad days. But if you can build up a picture of how your hppd feels without any meds/supplements, it can really help. I know it is almost throw away advice, but try as best as possible not to stress about the current situation. Remove as many stressful elements from your life as possible, even take time off work (college etc) if you need to. Also, try not to overthink this current increase in symptoms, these spikes can come and go... thinking about it just feeds the stress and anxiety.
  14. You are not even at the 2 year point, so I would be cautious about using such definitive statements... You are not helping yourself by thinking like that. Like I said above, I let myself fester in that mindset for 2-3 years too and no doubt I had your current mindset, it was the easiest thing to do and is probably a coping mechanism of the brain. You never know when a little breakthrough might occur though... I can distinctly remember a change in mindset between years 2 and 3, even though hppd stayed the same. The brain is a strange thing, I found/learnt optimism and confidence AFTER I got hppd... I was very shy and introvert before I got hppd and during those first 2-3 years.... Now I am quite confident and positive, even with a 24/7 trip going on.
  15. A list of stuff I have done since getting hppd 20+ years ago: Put myself through college. Started 2 businesses. Both successful. Travelled to many countries. Lived in a foreign country for 10 years, learning the language and emersing myself in the culture. Met a great girl and married her. Bought my own house. Been in various bands and made all alot of interesting music. Self taught various creative things like photography, video, web design etc. Learnt to surf, canoe, windsurf. No doubt loads of other shit too.... It's no picnic, with hppd, but life IS NOT OVER. Anyone who thinks it is needs to take back control of their life... Fight for it like you would fight against cancer. The easiest thing in the world to do is let this shit take control... I let it for 2-3 years, then just swicthed my thought process and thought "fuck it... I'll go and do everything I would have done before... If it is hard, so be it, but I'll try anyway.". Once you get that mindset, everything becomes possible again. Difficult, but possible.
  16. No one knows if it is safe or unsafe for you. Not even a bunch of scientists could possibly say... Drugs are not simple. Saying you did 300mg and came out fine does not mean you can do 75mg and come out fine again. It is like surviving a car crash at one speed and thinking that a car crash at a slower speed is sure to be fine... Life just doesn't work in such a simple way.
  17. If you are thinking about doing MDMA, you have not even touched the surface of what you think drug induced mental illness is. When you hit that level of hell, you never touch shit like MDMA again. You want someone here to give you permission, basically... Well, no one can give you an accurate %
  18. no idea, that was 1993 - 1994 when mdma came in pills (very strong). you seem to be missing the point though... There is no safe mg dosage. Anything that will get you even the slightest high could potentially give you serious mental problems. you are susceptible to mental illness through drug use... You can quit now and hope for a happy life, or play russian roulette and end up wishing you were dead. Seems a pretty easy choice.
  19. MDMA is one of the worst drugs to use when you have hppd. It made mine go from something tolerable to something hellish, that was 20+ years ago.
  20. No... Lasts about 5 minutes (the visual increase, not the sex!) Smoking weed again is far, far more risky... Enjoy a few beers and a load of college girls, leave the weed for at least a year
  21. I can't drink caffeine either, but don't think that is dopamine related. I know caffeine produces dopamine, but it has alot of other actions that could meddle with hppd too, like increased cortisol. My CEVs are crazy strong, I really don't mind those though, quite interesting to watch! It only gets creepy when I drink too much and have a hangover, then the CEVs start showing faces and nightmarish stuff.
  22. Just to note that barbiturates do next to nothing much for me, very mild. Klonopin reduces VS (2mg = about 70% reduction) and anxiety, but I still feel like i'm tripping, i can just deal with it better.
  23. Possible, though Sinemet was also a fail and even illicit dopamine drugs like cocaine have very little to no effect, I think it is more likely that my receptors are screwed (I think the same with serotonin too). My energy levels are pretty normal, never been a big issue for me. Anyway, good to see it helping others.
  24. Unfortunately, it does nothing for me (3 x 17mg per day for a few weeks now). Seems like Klonopin is the only thing that has any real effect on me. I fear my dopamine receptors might be too far gone.
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