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Everything posted by Jay1

  1. No one in the world can answer those questions regarding "no risk"... Very little is known about hppd, lsd etc... So asking definitive questions about the future is impossible. All I can say is that from anecdotal evidence from other users here (100s of other users) there is very little risk you will develop hppd after 8 days without symptoms. Unless you take more drugs so, of course there is risk if you smoke weed.
  2. You don't have hppd. hppd is continuous and you don't have to look for it... It is noticeable, even when mild.You came through unharmed... Just try to learn from this... You clearly have some issues with anxiety and overthinking that are probably not drug related... So I would totally avoid drugs, from now on... 100%, not even weed.... Just go and enjoy life
  3. I would try and deal with the depression, worry about the VS later... There are alot of meds out there that are unlikely to affect your VS. Maybe something like buspar? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buspirone
  4. Klonopin can cause further depression too, so be careful. I take it on a 4 days on, 3 days off basis (with 10 days off every 2-3 months)... This works out for me and i'm addiction/tolerance free after 8 years of this. For me, it is a life saver... Reduces my visuals, but more importantly, reduces my anxiety and dp/dr. But as TheMythos says, benzo addiction and withdrawal is awful, my cousin was put on valium after coming off heroin and he said it was much harder to kick and the withdrawals FAR worse! so be careful if you do start this med. You need to be very strong willed to keep up the system above.
  5. For most people, it is directly after... I have heard of people getting it some time after if they go out heavy drinking or something.
  6. If you keep searching for issues.... You will start to see the little natural oddities in your visual field that are perfectly normal. Stop freaking out... You don't have hppd... Rejoice... Enjoy life... Forget drugs
  7. It's good news.... You don't have hppd! The little points you see are probably white blood cells, perfectly natural... If you don;t look for them, you wont see them.. Simple! I would suggest that if you have this level of anxiety just from the thought of hppd, then you should never take LSD or other drugs again... and if you do feel the need to take drugs, research the possible problems before you take the drug, not after
  8. Hi Austin. I had a thought about your situation. If your doctor and parents are insistent on medication, you could try to stear them towards buspirone. It is a mild anti anxiety med that has (to my knowledge) never been a problem for anyone with hppd. I actually think it would help your anxiety and obsessive thoughts too. As you know, my first choice would be no meds for at least 3 months... But this would be a good 2nd option, imho. Much, much safer than Prozac and actually targets your specific issues (VS aside). Buy me a beer when your happiness is restored
  9. If you are in a place where you are even thinking about smoking weed, let alone taking more trips... You are very low on the ladder. You are literally risking your sanity for the rest of your life. I've had this shit for 21 years now because I didn't take it seriously when I reached your stage and carried on taking drugs (mainly lsd and mdma). My life became immeasurably worse and not a day has gone by that I haven't been in serious mental and physical pain. I had to take 3mg of Klonopin to get through my wedding day.. Is another trip worth that sort of life? Drugs are clearly not for you... Enjoy that you learnt the lessons of mushrooms and came out relatively unscathed.
  10. Hard to say, as my visuals are off the scale anyway... But it made me incredibly anxious, it made my dp/dr really bad, like I was on a full acid trip, i had suicidal thoughts and just felt terrible, mentally and physically. As you have only been sober for 5 weeks, I wouldn't even contemplate meds... Give it a few months, so many people here fully recover after 3-4 months drug free.
  11. I'd throw them in the trash... Prozac sent me crazy. If your parents need info, i could take a phone call if it would help?
  12. Also... Try to do lots of things that will stop you thinking about it all.
  13. Not sure where you are getting those figures from. From the anecdotes I've read on here... It's more like 1% who had even the slightest success... 9% who had neither a good or bad reaction and 90% who had a bad reaction.
  14. I have tried it... Did seem to boost my mood a bit, but you need alot, like 10g per day. I'm not really sure how meds or supplements solve an issue like this though. I think something like CBT or meditation would be much more helpful. I would keep any kind of med or supplement as a last resort, not a first resort.
  15. Actually, I said you have pre-hppd because you need to think about them before seeing them. Not because you only have VS. As I said on the other thread... Your best bet is something like CBT to stop the obsessive thinking.
  16. I've made this post sticky... Sounds like great work, so far. Let's all get donating! If you need anyone from the UK for the test, i'm happy to do it... My VS is more like a blizzard
  17. Jay1

    Pre hppd

    You are obsessing, no doubt about it. The likelihood of it getting worse, without any additional drugs, is slim to none. If you are staying away from drugs, then there are only a few things that could make your hppd worse.... SSRIs, heavy amounts of alcohol and stress. Avoid the first two and limit the last and you will not get worse. I would possibly look into CBT or something to try and get past the obsessive thoughts. and no need to apologise about anything... The forum is here to support, not judge.
  18. It's definitely interesting for our group... If we can start to pinpoint areas of overactivity, we can then look to target them with meds, magnets, electrics etc
  19. Here is the science article that led to the story https://www.nature.com/articles/srep46421
  20. Hi, welcome to the forum. As a fellow long termer, I know the feeling of finally finding out about HPPD and having a name for the disorder... It's quite liberating. I'm sure you've built up a good set of coping mechanisms of your own, but a few things you might not be aware of: Avoid caffeine, avoid SSRIs and anti psycotic meds (doctors are quick to hand these), avoid fast/junk food, try to exercise, clonazepam is the most used treatment here (though treat with caution, additive), other meds that have worked for some - keppra, lamitcal re: doctors - this is a good starting place for literature - https://www.theravive.com/therapedia/hallucinogen-persisting-perception-disorder-dsm--5-292.89-(f16.983) All the best, Jay
  21. I'd say you have what I refer to as pre-hppd... If you have to force it on, then it is in a mild form and will very likely go completely if you stay sober, get healthy, eat well etc. At the very worst, you will just stop looking for it (I have a feeling alot of these visual issues were always there, we just filter them out perfectly, pre-drugs) I went through this stage and ignored it (this was before the internet!)... It can become hellish, but only by pouring fuel on the fire... No point getting stressed about it now though, I'd suggest not even bothering reading further until you try the sober/healthy approach and see what is really going on... but the most important thing is to stay sober. Your body/mind is ringing out alarm bells, you have to listen.
  22. Yea, caffiene kills me... Massive, massive anxiety from even small amounts (though never experienced a reaction from dark chocolate, maybe the brand I buy doesn;t have caffeine)
  23. Everything's tied in... When you see less visuals you feel less trippy, which further helps lower the anxiety, imho.
  24. Jay1

    HPPD Relapse

    Yep... You've recovered before, so i am sure you will again. I would possibly do a 2-3 week course of klonopin to ease the stress and anxiety. This could speed up recovery time (but make sure not to stay on it too long)
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