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Everything posted by Jay1

  1. No one knows for sure... I think it is all fairly interlinked, but it is also possible to treat the issues separately. I managed to beat my depression after a few years, even though no other disorders have gone away (visuals, dp/dr, anxiety etc)... As Mythos mentioned, SSRIs can increase other hppd symptoms though, so it is wise to tread carefully with those.
  2. Great advice. I know months can feel like decades in that early stage. I vividly remember it myself... But it is essential to give yourself the best possible chance to recover... Try and remove as much stress from your life as possible. If you need to take time off, do it... If you need to lock yourself in your room, do it... Whatever helps with stress... You can quickly get your life back on track once you recover or learn to deal with this. I would also add that self blame/self loathing is great fuel for stress and anxiety. If at all possible, forgive yourself for taking risks with drugs and realise that no amount of wishing you hadn't done something will ever make it so... It's wasted energy and added stress, so just forgive yourself for doing something that millions of others do, learn and move on. (easy said than done, i know!).
  3. If you are forcing yourself to see these things, then I wouldn;t say it is hppd... But maybe what I would describe as pre-hppd. It's a warning sign from your brain that it's time to stop with the drugs. I had pre-hppd for a year or more and quite liked it... I used to think it was like a free trip, but it certainly has alot more levels to go up... So tread carefully from here. Personally, i;d give up weed for a while and 100% avoid any harder drugs. All the best, Jay
  4. My symtoms had a slow rise from mild and enjoyable to full blown, though I did have one trip that seemed to break my mind a bit (22 years this weekend actualy... A purple microdot at Glastonbury 1995). It is a bit hard to pinpoint when severe hppd took hold though, as I was doing drugs everyday for about 2 years prior and 1 year after that trip. I, naively, thought my symptoms were just part of the comedown or high and would go after a few weeks off the drugs.
  5. Loads of people recover, they just leave without saying anything... I'd say at least 70% recover. 3 months is not much time at all. 1 second after images are not too long, i have them for at least 5 seconds on certain objects, and if i look at a light for even a millisecond, i see an after image for at least 30 seconds. floaters are nothing abnormal at all, you are just noticing them because you are searching your vision. VS is often connected to hppd though. So it is possible you have some form of hppd. Try removing caffeine, at least to test if it helps... Most hppd sufferers cannot tolerate it. Try to keep calm and avoid stress.... Thinking that this is something you are now stuck with for life is not helping and is unlikely too... and even if you are one of the unlucky few, you will find coping mechanisms and will find a way to go on.
  6. I think your symptoms will be gone within 3 months... There is a pattern I have seen in the 10 years or so of being on this forum and you seem to fit it well.. Keep up the excerise, eat healthy, keep your mind enetertained and stay sober... I'm almost certain you will fully recover. Good luck, Jay
  7. Welcome back mate... glad you seem better. Not point sweating over if it will get worse... As long as your avoid drugs, stress etc... I can see zero reason it will get worse
  8. Just chill and see if this is part of the comedown.... way too early to be thinking your have hppd. I'm sure this will go away over the course of the week Glad that you are now gonna stay drug free and healthy though....
  9. I definitely feel healthier, especially now I understand the foods available to me more. So many easy ways to maintain protein intake, vitamins etc... Only B12 is lacking, but that is lacking in most non vegan diets too (supplements to the rescue). I hoped it might help with hppd too, but not for me... Though I am living as a peaceful a life as possible now, which helps my overall mental health.
  10. Yea, just go with a supplement. Considering how sensitive we are to every little thing, the amount of hormones pumped into dairy can't be a good thing. Sorry if my post sounded aggressive, just read it back... I think i forgot which forum i was on!!! As a vegan, i'm often being told how we need milk/meat etc to survive, so it is my default!
  11. What health issues require dairy? Whoever is telling you you need dairy is full of shit.
  12. I'vd just noticed that Trazodone is also a 5th2a anti angonstic. I tried that, with no success, unfortunatly.
  13. Looks interesting, for sure. Wonder how long it will take to come to market?
  14. My worst symptom too... I have been high for 21 years now! Like the final 1/2 hours of a heavy acid trip. All the fun and learning has long left, but the trippyness is still there, with the bonus prize of dysphoria and anxiety
  15. Depends how you define brain damage. In it's strictest sense.... You cannot get brain damage from drugs. On a neurological level, I think receptor damage is more than possible, though I don't think it is fully proven or accepted.
  16. As a very rough guess from being on here for 10 or so years... I reckon at least 70% of the people who sign up post alot when they first get symptoms, then slowly stop coming and leave.. Most of which will have made a good recovery.
  17. yea... if you need to focus to see it, it is not hppd, maybe some kind of warning sign... floaters are nothing to do with hppd... You just think you have more because you are focusing on your vision. Even VS might be natural (white blood cells) but you are focusing to find problems and the human visual system of not perfect. Focus on solving the anxiety... just avoid stress, do things that make you relaxed and happy.
  18. You might have a form of mild hppd or pre-hppd (if you only really see issues when you force yourself to find them, i would call that pre-hppd)... I personally believe that you probably can get hppd from strong weed but that it is far, far more likely you will recover. Stay calm, try to get out and fill your life with fun and interesting things to do,,, you will stop focusing on these issuess more and more
  19. If you can avoid drugs, alcohol and stress for the next few months... I think you will start to see improvements.
  20. As i've discussed several times before, I use a 4 days on, 3 days off benzo treatment with 10 days off every 2-3 months to further clean the system. It has worked for 7 years now, without any sign of tolerance or withdrawal. I tweak "the recipe" a fair bit, this is my current system: Lorazepam (2.5mg) - Thursday 6pm Clonazepam (1mg) - Friday 9am Clonazepam (1mg) - Saturday 9am Lorazepam (2.5mg) - Sunday 9am
  21. I agree, very odd behaviour... not sure if it is some misplaced joke... but mgrade, cut it out, the guy is clearly in the same boat as the rest of us.
  22. I remember a few people here who tried ibogaine when they had hppd and totally fucked up their lives. I would be very, very cautious. All of these psychedelics work on similar receptors, so have the potential to make things much worse. Out of interest, what kind of dose of LSD/Shrooms were you doing... microdoses, or enough to start to feel the effects?
  23. YOU DON'T HAVE HPPD hppd is persistent and you don;t have to look for it. It's that simple. The little flecks you see when you look at the sky are white blood cells, my wife can see them if she focuses hard enough and she has never taken any drugs or SSRIs. Like her, you do not have hppd! The bottom line is that no one here can tell you that weed will be safe, no one here can tell you that alcohol will be safe. You have to make a decision on what risks you want to take... Weed carries more risks (and worsening your anxiety is FAR more likely than getting hppd)... Large amounts of alcohol carries some risk.... A few beers on a saturday night carries very little risk.... BUT, no one in the world can say it carries zero risk. Seriously though, you don't have hppd, not even mild hppd. You have an anxiety disorder, that's what you should focus on fixing.
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