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Everything posted by Jay1

  1. I'd have probably wrote this kind of nonsense when I had pre-hppd too and was in denial about how drugs were affecting me.
  2. Yea, mainly from mdma... I know 3 people who have been in and out of pysch wards for 20+ years because of that drug.
  3. I'm a bit confused... Did you have hppd before taking pheno, and now your symptoms are worse? Or are you saying that pheno has given you hppd? I've taken loads of pheno since having hppd and it didn't change my visuals at all. Also, increased metabolism is not a cause of hppd... Not sure what that's all about. Please explain what visual issues you are having.
  4. hppd + weed makes me psychotic, but hppd itself doesn't, thankfully. I know a few people with drug related psychosis and the conditions are very different.
  5. You sound similar to me... I properly went for it with the drugs, trying to find their meaning. Lots of shrooms and acid, then lots and lots of mdma. I can;t give you a happy ever after, i'm still quite ill after 22 years.... but.... I really learnt to cope after about 2-3 years and went on to have a decent life (college, travelling, wife, own business), on paper, it's all good... but it's a struggle, i wont sugar coat it. I still feel like i'm tripping every day, but i take clonazepam 3 times a week, which gives me a break and allows me to go out with friends and feel fairly normal. 1st step is to stop beating yourself up... We are all here because we were a bit daft with drugs, but it doesn't make us bad people... and, just because we got unlucky, it doesn;t make other people bad for dodging the bullet.... If you chat to your other drug friends, you will probably find they are all dealing with some post drug shit anyway. Over time, you will find ways to tap back into the mindset that enjoyed lsd and start looking at hppd as an extension of that. It's not easy, in fact it's harder than fighting a physical illness, but you can get through it and regain some control over life. Keep on fighting, Jay
  6. Another lesser known symptom, though others have mentioned it.... I used to get very horrific CEVs, like scenes from hell. Death, mutliation, rape etc I stopped watching any porn, horror movies etc and that seems to have fixed it.
  7. Yea, nothing showed up. The only oddity was that they noted my eyes flickered constantly. Like when in REM sleep. They didn't seem to think that was particularly interesting though. I need to get a qEEG, i think
  8. I have a few! The first 3-4 years with hppd, I could see a cross in my vision, like a religious cross. this was especially apparent at night. After stupidly smoking salvia... I saw huge 3d cogs overlaid onto my normal hppd for about 2 years. If I look at a straight edge, eg, the top of the tv set... I see what I can only describe as little electrical tornadoes spinning across the surface. Non visual... I often get bouts of a feeling of dread, like something really bad is around the corner.
  9. Just take this for what it is... 3rd hand info. We have no info on the girlfriend, her symptoms etc To have two people get hppd from the same trip is ludicrously rare, to start with.
  10. Just click the username and you should see a "message" button
  11. It is still a very rare condition, so will never really get the support, resources and media coverage that, for instance, weed induced psychosis will. In the grand scheme of things, I am glad that this is a rare condition, as it would be a global crisis if even 1% of people who took lsd, mdma etc got hppd. But it does mean we are left in limbo in terms of medical support. Be vary wary if you do go to see a doctor about this... Don't let them prescribe anti psychotic or anti depression medications. They almost always make the situation worse, but alot of doctors will see that as the first line of treatment for anyone with drug induced issues. It is very interesting that you touch on seeing the signs of when to stop talking, step away etc.... My wife has become an expert in this ... It took her alot of time to not take it personally when I would only answer seemingly normal questions with a distant 1 word reply.. Or had to cancel plans just to then sit in and watch tv... Sometimes I also want to protect her from the truth of how bad I am feeling, I want her to be happy. Sometimes the feeling that you are hurting other people is as hard as the internal pain. Stress is one of the biggest problems, so try to protect him from any stressful situations... Maybe ask him to make a list of the main stress triggers and try to avoid them for a while. If that means dropping out of school, work etc for a while.. It is worth it, at least for a few months... It's a bit of a fine balance between avoiding stress and finding a comfort zone that you might never want to come out of. The latter can become an excuse to not fight.... But for a few months, it can be good. How long has your son been suffering? Feel free to keep asking questions here, or PM me. Regards, Jay
  12. I've just been given an Oculus Rift by a company I work for... Very interesting, though it doesn't help dp/dr! Takes me an hour or so come fell like i'm in control of my body after.
  13. Hi, there isn't a specific area, but it is a good idea... Please feel free to ask any questions you have here and we will try to help. Thank you for supporting and researching... I see alot of people here who are scared to tell their family, or who have done and it has gone badly... So it is nice to see someone being compassionate.
  14. If it helps, my mdma depression did pass... Took a couple of years, though I was a very heavy user...
  15. Also, I attribute 90% of my hppd to mdma use, which has no real ego loss, mind loops etc. If anything, it helps you work through your emotions. I went through a phase of trying to fight fire with fire... I've done lsd, mdma, salvia and ketamine post hppd and they've all fucked me up further.... and i consider myself a strong minded tripper who knows how to navigate that world... with 100s of trips under my belt, pre-hppd. No bad trips and dealt with even the strongest shroom and microdot trips.
  16. Not gone, but I convinced myself that they were getting better for a week or more. Then crash. I hope for your girlfriend's sake that is not the case... But you need to stop speaking like what you are saying is fact, not opinion... There are susceptible people here and taking LSD could ruin their lives. You are putting up 3rd hand info.... At least give us some info about your girlfriend's symptoms, previous to this. Or better yet, get her to post.
  17. btw - even if you believe in this theory... You are still playing Russian roulette. If LSD fucked you in the first place, another trip could send you even further into hppd.
  18. I'd wait a bit longer than 2 days before claiming cures and dismissing other people's opinions on this (including Dr Abraham, who has proved neurological changes via qEEG). I have done drugs, post hppd, and had a glow that lasted upto a week where I felt better, before crashing even further down than before. Proceed with caution. At the end of the day, this is a 3rd hand report.
  19. No one can ever answer whether you will be able to smoke weed again. If you got hppd from weed, why would you want to go back there anyway?
  20. hahahaha, how do these myths start? That's a load of shit, don;t listen to whoever told you that. If you got hppd from weed... you will almost certainly get much worse from stronger drugs,
  21. MDMA turned my hppd into something much, much worse. Don;t risk it. Even if 10 people come here and tell you success stories (they wont)... You might be the 1 person that it spirals into hell on earth.
  22. I eat potatoes most days, has zero effects on me.
  23. No one can answer those follow up questions either, unfortunately... hppd is not a linear, easy to determine condition. You might take 10 tabs, be fine... then take the 11th and be put into hell for decades. My advice is, be thankful for what you have learnt with pyschs and that you have come out fairly unscathed. Stay away from mdma too, fucking devil's drug for hppd sufferers. I'd say a bit of alcohol every now and again wont hurt you much... but again, what works for me could be bad for you... go easy, learn your limits.
  24. Yea, i have 1 bitcoin (and now 1 bitcoin cash)... I have 100 IOTA coins, 10 litecoins and 1 Ethereum. Unless something drastic happens, I plan to sit on them all for the next 5-10 years or so and see what happens. I bought the bitcoin when it was $150 and is now around $2700.... Hope that trend continues
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