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Is this HPPD?


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Hola. Desde que tomé champiñones y fumé marihuana tengo una sensación extraña en mi cabeza, es difícil de describir. Me siento raro, diferente, pero no podría definirlo como dp / dr, es similar, pero es solo que mi cabeza se siente extraña. Llevo 5 meses desde ese día. No tengo síntomas visuales. ¿Alguien sabe qué puede ser o qué medicación podría ayudar? Es un tipo de mareo, sensación de aturdimiento, leve pero muy incómodo. El alcohol o la marihuana aumentan este sentimiento pero nunca me dan imágenes. He tenido muchas pruebas médicas y no sé lo que puede ser.

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40 minutes ago, Peter said:

es como una constante sensacion de mareo?

Yes, it's mild, but it's always there, but I do not think I have DP or DR because I do not have many more symptoms. Could it be that my nervous system is fucked up? I do not have anxiety or anything, just the weird head, like dizzy.

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I had that too. After solving a big conflict in my life it went away. A week after the onset.

And it was after mushroom trip as well, where I got very mad a 2 of my mates i was tripping with and was on rage mode after the trip, and that might have affected.

I wouldnt do marihuana or alcohol just un case. to not fuck up things. I had that feeling, and after it resolved, i keept on doing psychedelics until a acid trip left me important consequences, so it might be that you might be succesptible.

Check out my post about why I think hppd happens.


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