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Someone with this symptom?

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Someone with this symptom? It turns out that the only symptom I have is like continuing at the beginning of a mushroom trip, with the perception a little altered and with a feeling of "constant dizziness", a dizziness that shows in the head and makes you feel different to the walk. It seems a mild symptom but I have been with it for a month and it does not improve. Would you tell the doctor that they have taken mushrooms? Or better just talk about the symptoms? Thank you

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Hi, I have this symptom too. I'ts like the classic "4k" vision. For me this is also related to the disconnected feeling (that's like my brain having more difficult to map 3d spaces and to process the vision).

I think it's better to tell the doctor. Probably he won't even know what hppd is, but at least give it a try.

And tell here if you have any improvments with some medication, that would be really helpful beacause as I can see u are the only one with the exact same symptom as me

Btw just a question, did u got your hppd from mushrooms too? (and if u did, how much it was?) thanks!


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11 hours ago, Gabriel S.D said:

Hola, tengo este síntoma también. Me gusta la clásica visión "4k". Para mí, esto también está relacionado con la sensación desconectada (es como si mi cerebro tuviera más difícil mapear espacios en 3D y procesar la visión).

Creo que es mejor decirle al doctor. Probablemente ni siquiera sepa qué es hppd, pero al menos pruébalo.

Y dígame aquí si tiene alguna mejora con algún medicamento, eso sería realmente útil porque puedo ver que usted es el único que tiene exactamente el mismo síntoma que yo

Por solo una pregunta, ¿también obtuviste tu hppd de hongos? (y si lo hiciste, ¿cuánto fue?) ¡gracias!


Yes, of the truffles "Psilocibe Hollandia"(15-18 grams at my first experience. I have not commented anything to the doctor about drugs, as many people here recommend not to do so. They sent me a blood test, an encephalogram and a visit to the otrorrino in case it was a problem of the inner ear. I was also prescribed an antihistamine for dizziness, although I doubt it will help me.

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