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what is your worst symptom?

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So what is your worst symptom of all? Mine is the feeling that my nose is always obstructing my field of vision and when I try to ignore it and just use my eyes in a normal fashion, my nose starts to tingle and I get very anxious. This happens especially when I am having a face to face conversation with someone, which is hard enough due to dp/dr mind you, but on top of that it feels like my brain is not properly filtering out the presence of my nose in my vision. When this happens during a conversation, I start to feel anxious because I feel like the the person Im talking to can tell that Im uncomfortable. The only thing that fixes it temporarily is putting my hands in front of my face. I know you guys probably have much worse symptoms, but this is what has been plaguing me lately. I could care less about visuals now, but If this particular symptom was gone, I feel like I could overcome dp/dr.

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worse in my distinct lack of ability to see the color black except under the rarest of circumstances... all i see when i look at what I'm told is black, is some impossible combination of colors... red-green red-blue blue-green purple-green.... i dont mean the mixing of colors like they teach you in art class but a color that is at the same time red and green... :\ ... it's been 14 years now since I've been able to see black for a sustained amount of time, and those times i do see it are under intense meditation. it is the main reason i can't sleep. seeing living colors nonstop whenever i close my eyes isnt really something helpful to ones ability to sleep. on the flip side it gives my night vision a boost.. i could probably navigate around a completely pitch black room with little effort by seeing the subtle variation in the color field i see instead of pitch black.. but i'd give it up happily.. hell i'd probably give up my left nut, if it got me back black.. 

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Deja vu, happens a lot. Eye floaters appear as soon as I see any bright light and there is anywhere from 3 to 6 at a time and they just don't go away, I am constantly rubbing my eyeballs because of this. Last is light, HATE IT, everything is so damn bright and detailed, drives me nuts.

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worse in my distinct lack of ability to see the color black except under the rarest of circumstances... all i see when i look at what I'm told is black, is some impossible combination of colors... red-green red-blue blue-green purple-green.... i dont mean the mixing of colors like they teach you in art class but a color that is at the same time red and green... :\ ... it's been 14 years now since I've been able to see black for a sustained amount of time, and those times i do see it are under intense meditation. it is the main reason i can't sleep. seeing living colors nonstop whenever i close my eyes isnt really something helpful to ones ability to sleep. on the flip side it gives my night vision a boost.. i could probably navigate around a completely pitch black room with little effort by seeing the subtle variation in the color field i see instead of pitch black.. but i'd give it up happily.. hell i'd probably give up my left nut, if it got me back black.. 

Not to be funny and I know this is a really dumb question, but when you see a fairly dark black person does this happen? Seeing people like that could not be fun.

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  • 1 month later...

So I wrote another place that I´m HPPD free. But I have one symptom left and that is the plastic-head-shell I´m suffering from. Don´t know if it´s part of HPPD. It´s like a piece of plastic inside my head that I can dig through. Hard to explain but it´s bothersome. I have described it in another post and at least one person could relate. Other than that, I consider myself symptom free.

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Used to be the nightly anxiety attacks and very mild DP - both of which I am glad to say I have overcome (Although I only experienced DP on 3 occasions that lasted just a few minutes - which I am very thankful for).


I guess now it would be, although very generic and common given my range to choose from,  the frequent and lingering after images paired with the intense vibrating visual snow.


These are the two main culprits responsible for muddying the waters of my vision and robbing me of placid clarity. Nothing is ever still. I no longer have the ability to see a calm surface or even colour. Both a bright white wall or a pitch black room become a static and often vibrating mess.


They are also the two most persistent reminders that I have stained my neurology, in a manner for which there is no known cure.


Still coping though. Stay positive people  : )

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Seeing after images trails,tracers and tinnitus beyond belief.. I feel the progression of this disorder to me is bothering some with tones of exasperation. I have had this for 24 years now constantly. I actually thought I was the only one in the world with it until 2 months ago. It was tolerable in my teens, twenties, thirties, each decade seems to have worsen. I'm in my forties now and strongly searching for a cure or coping mechanisms im not on any prescriptions, convectional medicines or drugs. I think I have a severe case of it because mine is every day seven days a week and 365 days a year. Anyone have any suggestions for the antidotes and coping techniques??

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have you ever tried any medications at all? 

supplements are our natural antidotes and meds can provide temporary relief if its too much. even with like benzos, if it works, a couple days every other week or few looks like it can be a great relief from having it for 24 years.


also taking care of overall health is beneficial regardless of hppd or not.

- exercise, healthy diet, hydration, etc. 

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I would say the fatigue, slight morphing vision and the seeing in parallels. When driving ( can only do this during the day now ) the cars seem to slide into increments and then slowly flow down from each other until I refocus on another object. The VS isn't too bad, the after images are getting pretty bad, and also the palinopsia and the akinetopsia. DP/DR are making it hard to believe that I'm not in some elaborate fabrication of my mind and that I'm actually still stuck in a trip, or worse, a coma.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Etard I have never taking medication for this I'm going to try some tincture of c.b.d.'s Cannibidiols its an element found in marijuana that totally relaxes u and heals the mind. We all ready have them in our system they are called endo-Cannibidiols. I let u know how it goes.. Again its natural it doesn't have t.h.c. In it no psychoactive high.

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