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Any treatment for my kind of HPPD?


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Hello everyone,

First of all, my English is not perfect, so I hope you can read my story a bit..

I think I have HPPD for a long time now, but not the kind of HPPD you guys are talking about.

It all started about 1 year ago, after using (only!) 300 mg's of MDMA. Visual snow started to come.

I kept on using drugs for about a year. Drugs like, cannabis (1 time a week) , alcohol (also 1 time a week)

and 4-fmp and methylone. (I only did that 2 times so far.)

Now my symptoms are getting worse. I got visual snow, my eyes are very sensitive, and I got after images (a little bit)

Now the worst thing about my HPPD is that I am looking cross eyed..

I have never looked cross eyed before, but it started when I continued using drugs.

As soon as I change my point of view to a different style my eye(s) looks like this:

http://tinypic.com/r/1j7vch/6 (Looks weird right?)

I even look cross eyed when I am writing a message on my mobile.

I also can look through my finger sometimes, it's very hard to explain..

My point of view gets disturbed as soon as I relax / stare with my eyes. (Like the pic above.)

My point of view is getting disturbed, and I start looking double, it gives me a headeache.

There was also no eye or bain damage found, so it must be the HPPD that causes this.

Is there any type of medicine that can remove my cross eye, and maybe my visual snow?


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I've never heard of anything like this with hppd.

I think you should get a 2nd opinion from another doctor... I really don't think that has anything to do with hppd

But you can get cross eye if you have brain damage / eye damage right?

And you can consider brain damage as HPPD. So I think it is HPPD, since it all started after using drugs.

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Are you sure you're cross eyed???? Or do you just feel like you're cross eyed because of the way things look??? Also, you said that there was no brain/eye damage found, so did you get some sort of brain scan or something??? I'm just curious because I have double vision too and was wondering what might possibly be causing it.

Does your vision ever look like this http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=A2KJkPpQ5HZQPEUApz2JzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBlMTQ4cGxyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1n?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Ddouble%2Bvision%26fr%3Dyfp-t-701%26fr2%3Dpiv-web%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D17&w=300&h=250&imgurl=www.medindia.net%2Fpatients%2Fpatientinfo%2Fimages%2FDouble-Vision1.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.medindia.net%2Fpatients%2Fpatientinfo%2FDouble-Vision.htm&size=17.6+KB&name=Double+Vision-+Abstract%2C+Types%2C+Causes%2C+Symptoms%2C+Diagnosis%2C+Treatment+...&p=double+vision&oid=6ad61591b99932d97c45afbf83cbeafb&fr2=piv-web&fr=yfp-t-701&tt=Double%2BVision-%2BAbstract%252C%2BTypes%252C%2BCauses%252C%2BSymptoms%252C%2BDiagnosis%252C%2BTreatment%2B...&b=0∋=96&no=17&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=11ujuulku&sigb=1372p2fcs&sigi=11vkhs4o3&.crumb=qzgHNDOOSYx

My eye doctor told me that if I have double vision then I can get a pair of glasses and she'll put prisms in the lenses and that'll force my vision to realign itself over time. So you could look into that. Just search prism glasses or prism lenses or something on the internet.

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^^^^^It's not unfortunate, in my opinion, that nothing was found. I'd much rather not have brain damage. But, I can't say for certain whether or not drugs did it or if it's something that would of happened either way. The double vision for me didn't start until a good 6 months after the initial onset of HPPD, and at that point I had pretty much stopped using drugs. So it kinda came out of nowhere. I think drugs probably had something to do with it, but I can't say for sure. Also, does your vision correct itself if you close one eye??? My double vision disappears whenever I close one eye so I'm thinking it's some sort of convergence issue between the two eyes. It could definitely be HPPD related, but people often get it without HPPD too. Here's a link to the wiki page about it, you should check it out. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diplopia

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^^^^^It's not unfortunate, in my opinion, that nothing was found. I'd much rather not have brain damage. But, I can't say for certain whether or not drugs did it or if it's something that would of happened either way. The double vision for me didn't start until a good 6 months after the initial onset of HPPD, and at that point I had pretty much stopped using drugs. So it kinda came out of nowhere. I think drugs probably had something to do with it, but I can't say for sure. Also, does your vision correct itself if you close one eye??? My double vision disappears whenever I close one eye so I'm thinking it's some sort of convergence issue between the two eyes. It could definitely be HPPD related, but people often get it without HPPD too. Here's a link to the wiki page about it, you should check it out. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diplopia

Hmm yea, the double vision started for me 1 month after I took 4-fmp (research chemical). It got worser every day from then.

It seems we both have exactly the same issue. And yes, my vision also correct itself as soon as I close one eye.

But are you wearing glasses or lens with prism now? If yes, do you feel any improvement, and after how many days did you felt any improvement?

Thanks for the link, I will sure go check it out!

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I wear contacts right now, not glasses. I've always had bad vision and I've worn contacts since I was 11, that's why part of me feels like the double vision thing might of happened whether or not I did drugs since my vision was always pretty bad. But, at my last eye doctor's appointment my doctor told me that there didn't appear to be anything wrong with my eyes physically so she was reluctant to give me the prism lenses. She just told me if the problem persists by our next visit then she would look into getting me the glasses. I'm supposed to go for a check up in December and I plan on asking for the prism lenses then. From the way she described it, they're just normal looking glasses with little things in the corner, so thankfully I won't look stupid with large over-sized weird glasses.

But yea, it sounds like we have the same thing, which is a relief cause pretty much no one else I've talked to on these forums experiences double vision.

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I wear contacts right now, not glasses. I've always had bad vision and I've worn contacts since I was 11, that's why part of me feels like the double vision thing might of happened whether or not I did drugs since my vision was always pretty bad. But, at my last eye doctor's appointment my doctor told me that there didn't appear to be anything wrong with my eyes physically so she was reluctant to give me the prism lenses. She just told me if the problem persists by our next visit then she would look into getting me the glasses. I'm supposed to go for a check up in December and I plan on asking for the prism lenses then. From the way she described it, they're just normal looking glasses with little things in the corner, so thankfully I won't look stupid with large over-sized weird glasses.

But yea, it sounds like we have the same thing, which is a relief cause pretty much no one else I've talked to on these forums experiences double vision.

Thanks a lot for your information.

I will probably go to the eye docter next week, and I will go ask contacts with prism's if that's possible!

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I've ha HPPD for 5 years. Had every symptom you can think of. Never heard of cross-eyed as a symptom however. Perhaps this is a coincedence and it's an actual optometrical incidence an not associated with your HPPD at all. Perhaps make an appointment with your optometrist and have a better look at why your cross-eye may be happening. Best of luck!

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for this late response. I was on vacantion for a long time where I didn't have the chance to get on this forum.

My double vision got worser. I also got a terrible headache which started a month ago and didn't disappeared yet. Very annyoning!

I have made an appointment with a proffesional eye docter at an eye hospital. Unfortunately the wait time contains 2 months.

No, they can only do the prism thing with glasses.

Have you already got glasses with the prisms? If so, do you feel any improvement?

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Have you already got glasses with the prisms? If so, do you feel any improvement?

No. I'm going to get some in about a month though. Last December I had my yearly eye exam and I told my doctor about the double vision problems and she told me that she couldn't detect any issues with my eyes and recommended that I just wait to see if my problem fixes itself over time. Since it hasn't I'm gonna bring it up at my appointment in about a month and get the prism glasses then.

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On 10/11/2012 at 6:15 AM, Luukzorika said:

But you can get cross eye if you have brain damage / eye damage right?

And you can consider brain damage as HPPD. So I think it is HPPD, since it all started after using drugs.

Its still a possibility that HPPD is brain damage. It sounds like you definitely have HPPD. I dont know if your eye is connected to the HPPD. You should have a second opinion done. Did you have scans done to make sure you dont have any growths behind the eye? It almost looks as though its bulging in the picture you uploaded. Dont do drugs anymore



Are you sure you're cross eyed???? Or do you just feel like you're cross eyed because of the way things look??? Also, you said that there was no brain/eye damage found, so did you get some sort of brain scan or something??? I'm just curious because I have double vision too and was wondering what might possibly be causing it.

Lmao look at the picture he uploaded.

On 10/11/2012 at 0:13 PM, Jay1 said:

There is no evidence to suggest that hppd is brain damage.

Theres also no evidence to suggest that its not. And there is speculative evidence to suggest that it could be, mainly that the symptoms do not always completely resolve.

Edited by dasitmane
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We need to define the difference between brain damage and neurological damage.

Brain damage is caused by an external force, for example a blow to the head, or an internal force like a stroke or tumour.

Neurological damage can be caused by issues with receptors, chemicals, electrical signals etc

Current hppd evidence (the little we have) seems to support the latter far more than the former, this is further compounded by the fact that we know drugs like lsd and mdma flood the brain with chemicals that overload certain receptors.

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