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Everything posted by marie1996

  1. Hey! So I made a post about a year ago about trying verapamil that my neurologist recommended. My anxiety was so bad about trying a new medicine that I discontinued as I was having panic attacks about taking it. Now my anxiety is (more) under control to where I feel comfortable trying to tackle this Hppd. I’m happy that I am at the point where I want to help myself instead of praying it will go away. Anyways, I was wondering if anyone heard about this medicine and it’s positive effects on people like us with Hppd! Thanks everyone
  2. So what were the medications that helped you? (I know you made another post) but i was a bit confused. Did this visual symptom go away for you?
  3. would love to hear from someone who had this and it went away? Or a medication that helped them get rid of this symptom.
  4. but doesn’t the report on page one state that this is neuronal loss.. and it can’t be fixed.. I’m so sad
  5. I have this too... it’s my worst symptom and the one I wish would go away the most...
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