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Jjjj last won the day on January 31 2022

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  1. Have your symptoms improved? I have these same exact symptoms except a bit less severe but still very noticeable.
  2. I have had this for around 12 yrs now. The first time I got this I quit drugs and eventually my symptoms got better and I went some yrs without even thinking about hppd. I thought I had beat it for good. Then I got very sick with a fever and it triggered all my symptoms again since then every fever I get seems to trigger those episodes. I guess everyone’s triggers are different but it’s definitely scary having to go through all of the intense visuals and feeling like nothings real all over again.
  3. Have any of your hppd symptoms have gotten better over time? Do you suffer from after images ?
  4. I am dealing with a major flare up of symptoms I do not use anymore however I seem to have big flare ups when I get fevers I myself don’t understand this I haven’t used in years each time I seem to get out of this hell hole I go right back to square one. All of my symptoms are so strong visual snow, after images, colors are intense and have major dpr. It makes me very depressed and anxious thinking I have destroyed my brain forever. Also what manly scares me is the after images, this makes it very hard to do easy things like read or watch tv. I am in school right now and I haven’t been able to concentrate on anything because it has become so difficult to read. I feel like no one else really understands what I am going through except for people on this forum.
  5. Is there anyone on here that would like to chat? I feel like I am going through a tough time and my anxiety is through the roof. I have lost ability to function in life and I am starting to feel very depressed.
  6. Hello guys, I am back on here again because I recently recovered from an illness which heightened all my symptoms once again. What I’m mainly concerned about now is my after images. They have increased in severity and it is very hard for me to read or view things. I have even worried about going basically blind or vision impaired because of it which is what truly freaks me out. Does anyone have or has had this symptom as well as strong as mine and has noticed it get better over time?? That has been causing some anxiety and panic in me.
  7. Wow, you have no idea how much better reading this made me feel. I literally was freaking out about possibly having to quit school because of all my symptoms which makes it so hard to study or even retain anything in general. I am also typically an A student. I don’t really experience flashbacks with me it’s more the visuals which causes extreme panic and derealization. I also sometimes get vertigo and feel like the room is moving. I’m definitely done with drugs. Thanks for your input it really helped me out!
  8. I will have to just try to push though. It would depress me even further knowing I had to quit college over this. I hope it fades away with time and I will think in the positive side and ability to bounce back. Thanks! Did any of the visual snow and after images seem to reduce for you after a while? Ide be happy with even just a reduction of symptoms.
  9. Such an awesome and positive response. Out of curiosity, did you suffer from afterimages and visual snow?
  10. Thanks to everyone who replied. It is crazy to me how these symptoms can back like this in times of stress or illness. I will try to stay healthy and see if these symptoms diminish.
  11. Hi everyone, As I mentioned before I recently had a relapse of symptoms but the worst of them all for me is the head pressure and brain fog. I always feel like I can’t concentrate on things or think clearly. I also always feel like I’m in a dream like state so I still feel tired even after I sleep. I can’t really distinguish sleep from reality anymore in a sense. How do you deal with this? I am in college and it is making very worried that I might have to stop attending over this. I also have had my afterimages increase in severity. Will this fade over time?
  12. How are you feeling now?? Any improvement ??
  13. Have any of these symptoms gotten better? I am going through the same thing right now almost as identical as you described it.
  14. I have described my most recent relapse in another discussion forum but I will post here as well. Does anyone else seem to recover and get passed the extreme anxiety (learn to cope with it) only for it to return after some time? This has been my third relapse, I was recently struck with Covid and when I got better I was hit with all of these symptoms coming back again. I have extreme anxiety, insomnia, fear, I have more after images and everything around me seems to look different in a higher resolution. Does anyone else have these issues? I am beginning to just get very tired of this rollercoaster I have been on for years.
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