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Please fix my hppd:)

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Please fix my hppd:)'s Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Anyone that’s had severe Hppd for more than 2 years able to stop it? If so how. Thanks
  2. Hello I did lots of different drugs at pretty high doses and smoked tonnes of weed since 16. I am now 19 and have quit drugs for 3 months and my HPPD hasn’t improved and always intense. I’m pretty upset I can’t even smoke weed now or I get full blown lsd type visuals and any drug worsens it (haven’t tried benzos) My questions are - What are the best medications? And how can I get them prescribed (Doctors where I live know nothing about hppd and I know what can happen if you take medication without precaution) What are the best non-over the counter supplements you can buy that relieves Hppd symptoms Whats a good routine to get into, (starting to gym and starting to like going outside away from electronics) Finally what’s a job that doesn’t drive me crazy having severe Hppd and I can enjoy. Any info and as much info is greatly appreciated thanks.
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