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Everything posted by subzero

  1. Trazodone is a potent 5-ht2a antagonist and has akinetopsia (motion blindness)side effect for some users LSD is 5-ht2a agonist and has showin to affect or enhance frame rate for some users according to https://psychonautwiki.org https://psychonautwiki.org/w/index.php?title=LSD&_=
  2. I want add something (my hppd triggered by mirtazapine (which is 5-ht2a antagonist)after 1 and half year of my trip ,
  3. Wrong , Meth will make his life “HELL”
  4. Do any of you have muscle twitches ? I have it since 1 and half year after trip
  5. Low frame rate (mild motion blindness) it's like recording by old camera with 20 fps
  6. I think there is 50% chance it will affect your visual (some time it reduces symtoms)I'm not a doctor and i don't have any experience with it but i have experience with lorazepam which affected my visual ، all gabaergic drugs should take them with caution
  7. https://www.livescience.com/62802-psychedelic-drugs-change-nerve-cells.html
  8. What makes some hppders enjoy their hallucinations? Does this depend on their personality or the hallucination symptoms they have?
  9. How is your mood ? Are you happy?
  10. Is there a chance to heal by the same substance that damaged your neurons ?! ? https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/psychedelic-drugs-brain-repair-lsd-depression-anxiety-lsd-dmt-amphetamines-ketamine-a8395511.html
  11. I’m looking for some thing with anxiolytic like effect without addection properties so i found this ( hydroxyzine) have any 1 tried it before ? It’s a potent antihistamine
  12. Low frame rate (mild motion blindness ) like recording by camera with 20 frame per second and mild visual snow i can see it at noontime
  13. https://mentalhealthdaily.com/2018/02/17/new-anxiety-medications-2018-drugs-in-clinical-trials/
  14. Hi ,, my depression is manageable these days but I’m struggling with high anxiety that effect my work and obsession about visuals i have very mild motion blindness and VS ,, is there way to treat anxiety related to hppd ? Im looking for tofisobam (atypical benzo) I heard that it doesn’t have any addiction properties
  15. I will do ECT soon because of my depression related to hppd , any experience ?
  16. hello every one my English is so bad but i will try my best a year ago i eat an edible and about 1 hour i had the worst trip ever and i didn't use trip drugs ever before the next day every thing is fine and after one year my doctor give me remeron and i was depressed because of tinnitus spike then after 2 weeks i noticed something wrong with my eye it is similar to Inconspicuous akinetopsia or mild motion blindness this symptom i have it for about 4 weeks now and my doctor changed the remeron to effexor xr seroxat zyprexa and clonazepam my doctor don't understand what is wrong with me he said that i have anxiety and this problem comes from it . my motion blindness i can see it when objects moving or people moving i dont have flashback or (type 1 hppd ) is hppd type 2 curable ? i need some help please
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