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Everything posted by Jay1

  1. Jay1

    Drug types?

    Same generation... there were pretty much 2 strengths to any drug you bought... mellow or strong. With acid, the designs on the tabs tended to get a reputation.. Strawberries were mellow, raving testtubes were strong, etc etc
  2. I'm tired of Siren's constant negativity and trying to bring others down to his misery levels. I wish him luck in his recovery, but have put him on a long time out from here. If anyone disagrees with this decision, please let me know... I really don't like banning people.
  3. You can start chatting to a doctor at any point, especially if this is causing you severe worry/anxiety. My personal view is to not go on any medications for at least a month though, ideally three months... UNLESS you are in a very, very bad place and thinking of doing something. Most people I chat to get better naturally after around 1-3 months... But a lot of people jump straight on meds and think the meds healed them, they often then stay on said meds scared that HPPD will come back.
  4. Way too soon to tell.. Just try not to give it any more thought right now and do all the suggested stuff (zero drugs, alcohol, caffeine... minimise stress.. try and get good sleep etc). I know it is hard, but try not to read anything more about HPPD and try not to anylise your vision to the nth degree.
  5. I get a bit of a hangover for a few hours the next day... Bit like that feeling after smoking dope all night then waking up groggy (in the good old days, of course). I try to use it for a few weeks to get a sleep pattern back, then put it away until my next insomnia spell.
  6. I definitely have elements of OCD, though not sure if it's HPPD related (I work as an app designer, where being precise is very important, so is OCD like).
  7. Thanks for the post, it's great to hear these success stories! It really does seem like a lot of people who join do get better, to one degree or another, but having actual posts to back that up will really help any new sufferers that arrive here.
  8. None of us are ok... I've had severe, life crippling HPPD since 1995. But there is a way of speaking to each other that just encourages conversation. Jumping onto a small, well intention post about not giving up to shout your agenda is just not the way the world works. As you can see, i haven't banned you and you are welcome to post whatever you want on here as long as it's not spam or causing extreme problems for others. I think creating your own post is the better approach. BTW - I have sent every bulk email request i've ever received via PM here... If it was emailed or sent to reddit, then it is more likely it went through the cracks, so always PM me here. Also note that people are actively doing things... lots of things... Damn, this forum costs me $45 a month and that's come out of my pocket for maybe the last 10 years now... That's $5k+ right there, just because I feel we need a "home" that is not as frenzied as social media. There are people here doing various things for various societies and research groups... I struggle to keep track of which is which, but people are actively trying to do things.
  9. You haven't tried to do anything here... You came on, bad mouthed people for not doing one very specific thing, yet did nothing yourself... Posted no articles, no links to fundraisers, no mention of what you are doing that might inspire people. Rethink your approach and channel your energy in the right way and things might happen.
  10. You can't neglect something you don't know about. Make a post about it and just speak to people in a respectful manner, it's very simple. Just understand there are about 30-50 active users on here, so don't expect the world to change.
  11. Yea, so sorry... Your way is working amazingly... I bet you've helped sign up £100,000s in research grants using the patented cunt approach.
  12. You seem to be someone who can't listen/read. Only hope is not a solution, sure... people on here do way more than that though.. and you know this... You are just pissed because your own "hope", the australian research, didn't hit it's targets. Chill the fuck out, learn to communicate properly and you will go so much further getting support.
  13. Good luck mate, hope it works out ok... I think that 3-4 day break does help a lot, though obviously full symptoms come back during that time... Just the knowledge of having some comfort 3-4 days a week is a godsend to me though.
  14. Siren, if you keep downvoting people's comments because you don't agree with them, i'll put you on a time out... I'm getting complaints left and right about your attitude. I don't like having to moderate this board... but tone your shit right down.
  15. I'm sure that seemed funny in your head. High five for trying though. As someone else said, maybe reddit is more you kind of place. Angry and bitter seems a good match for /hppd
  16. If that's what you got from my post, you're an idiot.
  17. You shouldn't speak for everyone. I have had a few positives from severe HPPD, namely it stopped me taking drugs when other friends moved on to heroin, they are dead, went to prison or living miserable lives now. Not many got out to a place of contentment. I also feel like I am more empathetic and in touch with nature and my surroundings. Probably more creative too, as I use creativity as a way to escape. HPPD is fucking shit, no doubt... but you can still have a positive mindset that benefits you. Don't let HPPD drown you.
  18. Have you spoken to your doc about upping the Valium then doing proper tritation?
  19. I guess we are gonna have to keep buying lottery tickets! As sad and horrible as this sounds... We are probably now reliant on the inevitable law suits when HPPD explodes with the rise of legalised MDMA/Mushroom/LSD treatment, sooner or later someone rich and powerful will get fucked over by the treatment and some shit might actually start to happen.
  20. Why not post links to them, their previous research, their current funding attempts etc?
  21. I have sent various bulk emails for an Australian research group... I assume it is the one you mentioned... My memory is terrible. Anyone is welcome to PM me about sending bulk mails. You seem to be of the assumption that our mailing list is 100% active, it's not even close.. Anecdotally, I would say that it reaches fewer than 1-5% of the list numbers.
  22. That sure sounds like hope to me
  23. btw Siren... why do i get a feeling you are the same person who's been harassing me on Reddit!? If it is, as I said on there... I'm glad people like you are pushing the medical/research side... But there are many ways to help... Your way isn't the only "right way". It's almost funny that I now get personally called out and attacked for being "in charge".
  24. My general goal is to do what I can to help new people who visit here and try my best to stop very concerned people from killing themselves (dozens upon dozens in my years here, via PM). That's what I'M, doing with it... and hope plays a huge part in that and there is valid reason for people to be hopeful, especially new visitors who often recover. Btw - I'm not in charge of shit... I just help keep it running and help remove spammers.
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