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  1. I´m fortunate to have a neuro who trust me regarding this. But I´ll still bring him some stuff. The Gaba-Dopamine-5TH Hypothesis from David. Not even sure if this supports use of Sinemet but since my doc i Swedish I don´t think he will understand the whole text anyway, hehe. http://hppdonline.co...5ht-hypothesis/ A quote from Dr. David Nichols wich David posted somewhere. I don´t think the original article works. Plus some info about Abrahams trial and lots of quotes from people who have had success. I will also have tried the medication before I meet him so I´ll be able to share my experience.
  2. They are listed here: http://www.ohiolions...a.htm#PublishedLiterature A few ncbi-links: http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/10646745 http://www.ncbi.nlm..../pubmed/8407216 http://www.ncbi.nlm..../pubmed/1432516
  3. Ok thanks, sounds like reasonable cycling. Interesting what you say about one of your eyes being "sluggish". There is a disorder called amblyopia or "lazy eye" where one eye is very dominant and the other lazy. The lazy eye often has worse depth perception, loss of contrast and light sensitivity. Symtoms most people with HPPD has. I definitely have one lazy eye and all these mentioned symtoms plus VS are worse on it. There are eleven studies showing benefits with L-dopa/carbidopa for treating amblyopia.
  4. This might be important so people don´t end up with tolerance after awhile like RLSers. When you cycle, do you just lower the dose or do you get off it completely? If so, how often and for how long? @shaolin For how long does the effect last after one pill now?
  5. Sorry it did´nt help you Jay. Hopefully it might do something over time or with a higher dosage. findacureformyson: I have´nt heard of any unpleasant reactions from Sinemet. Unlike Prozac wich negatively affects many individuals with HPPD. I´m also very sensitive, both mentally and visually, to substances altering my neurotransmitters. But I´ll try this one soon and report.
  6. Sweet sniping! Played this alot pre-hppd. But the tunnelvision etc really affected my game. Ever played with anyone from Fnatic? Have a buddy on their CoD team.
  7. If you were asking me, I take the brand name Keppra. Epileptics sometimes talk about the generic being less effective, but i dno. 1000 mg is a fairly low dose. For epilepsy the dosage is 1000-3000 mg. If its not too wearing you could get up to atleast 1500 and stay there. ramblington: Great sign that you seem to tolerate it and have noticed some improvements already. Still, dont rush it. When I started Keppra i had significant effects for the first couple of days when increasing the dose. Then the improvements almost dissapeared for a few weeks before slowly returning and stabilizing over several months. Regarding B6, I actually lost some of Keppras effectiveness when taking it. Probably due to increase in serotonin levels.
  8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ganaxolone
  9. Taper up slowly and be very patient about its effects. If you feel something slightly change in your vision or dp/dr on the lower doses there is a chance that higher doses slowly makes you better over time. And initial side effects will get better. First time I took 250 mg I almost passed out from fatigue. Now I take 2x1000mg/day without any of that. Also got some increased depression initially that gradually went away.
  10. Tried Piracetam for a few weeks and it seemed to work in some aspects at first. But suddenly things got worse. Felt strange® mentally and got increased VS. Stopped taking it and was back to normal after two weeks. Btw its mechanism of action is nothing like Keppra, or levetiracetam.
  11. Good luck. Will also try it soon to complement my Keppra.
  12. Have you read the gaba-dopamine-5ht hypothesis? Just so you have something to go on.
  13. I just skipped shoulder surgery because they wanted "half anesthesia" for me. I´ve read about people getting their symtoms permanently flared up and someone even had his onset after anesthesia (he had used hallucinogens previously).
  14. What about gabitril/tiagabine? GABA uptake inhibitor. Shouldnt that be like clonopine without the addiction etc?
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