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  1. I got HPPD on December 30th 2014. So it's been 7 months. The first four, my entire life was consumed by HPPD. Now after going through some other things, I don't even think about it at all. I rarely get on this forum anymore. It's very severe. After images, distortion, visual snow, light trails, etc.... Eventually I just quit letting it absorb my thoughts and it's like I don't even have it anymore. I've smoked pot a few times, and I can say it makes it worse in the short term, but I never smoke day by day so I occasionally toke and enjoy it. Alcohol doesn't effect my symptoms. I've been taking vyvanse (dextro amphetamine) once every week (or was, 2 months ago), to see its effects. It made the visual snow bad for about 24 hours than went back to normal. So, in conclusion, HPPD can be far from life consuming. My advice is to ignore it as much as possible, and also, DP/DR. DP/DR was extremely bad for me, but once practiced my thinkng habits and lowering the amount of anxiety in my life, it went away too. I still get it when I get anxious, but it's uncommon. Know it's not something g physically wrong with your brain, just a state of mind brought on by trauma. Avoid taking any hallucinogens, but most of all, if ANY drug messes with you or makes you feel uncomfortable, don't take it! We're all unique. Have a nice and happy life ))
  2. No, you can drink coke and stuff and be just fine, coffee makes it a lot worse for me though, but that has triple the caffeine soda does.
  3. You should know that derailization is brought on by fear and anxiety; but there isn't actually anything physically wrong with your brain. Once you manage to ignore the hppd as much as possible and not worry about it, even if its bad, the derailization will stop completely. But even thnking about hppd can bring it on instantly. Just keep on ignoring it as much as possible.
  4. We don't know nothing about HPPD is really known but the best guess is the 5ht2a being down regulated effecting how serotonin works in the brain. As for healing though, who knows. It's possible it just takes a really long ass time for the brain to fully repair that part of the brain to full functionality. Not to upset anyone, but personally I think it's permanent for people who have heavy tracers and after images and visual snow such as me. I live with it just fine luckily, but it does for sure get better in time if drugs are avoided. The best way to heal hppd is to ignore it as much as you can and eventually your life will be normal again. Took me a while to adjust.
  5. *even though it can be he'd to sleep. I can't stop smoking pot sadly it's just so great. I'm gonna stop now though, I doubt this will go away though
  6. I hate HPPD. If It could just be CEV's and nothing else I would be happy to have it
  7. Hey j I was wondering if you've tried lions mane?
  8. You don't know his parents or his situation completely buddy
  9. Don't tell your parents, they can't help you. Derailization isn't something wrong with your brain so don't worry about that, it's only brought on by anxiety and worrying. You can't do anything about the visuals, just don't do any drugs for a while and ignore them as much as you can, I'm see your life will return to normal even with a few minor visual changes such as HPPD.good luck man
  10. I've been drinking and smoking a lot too. Really I'm just fine with drinking and then I don't smoke, I only get tempted to smoke when I'm sober. Maybe don't buy pot and if you're friends have it I guess will power.
  11. Basically it's different for everyone, in my opinion I've been getting too drunk lately haha if it bothers you afterwards just don't drink anymore
  12. Surprisingly pot doesn't effect me much but NyQuil fucks me up. Alcohol never did anything but last night I got drunk and today my symptoms were pretty bad
  13. Wow, thanks for this. Do you remember how much DXM you took? I just now took 80mg, not enough to make someone trip but whenever I take NyQuil I take a little more than I'm supposed to. im surprised you could take so many drugs while having HPPD. Did you just stop because it started being really bad out of no where?
  14. What's up guys, I was bored and made another stupid decision earlier when I was kinda high, took I'd say 4 big sips of zzzquil. I felt absolutely amazing for hours, just really relaxed and muscles were chilled out. I was definetly high, the main ingredient in it is known to make people trip balls if taken too much of. I wanted to hear what's your guys thoughts are or experiences with zzzquil or something like that. I woke up and yes, my HPPD was worse, but not enough to bother me that bad. After images were really strong, visual static was hoeing always is (annoying) and motion trails stayed the same.
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