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  1. no problem. yes i hope that too that someone who is much more in the med topic could say his/her opinion. my neuro says theres no difference in the effect between 1000-3000mg of Keppra. thanks i will ask him in the next meeting. yes i will try it...like my post above i am not disposed to take it every day. maybe once or twice a week. because the following day of using clonazepam i feel very groggy and tired and thats not a cool effect/no way to work so on the weekend one pill to chill out and get relief is in my opinion a good treatment. lg
  2. Hey friends, i will report you my experiences with this two meds. i am taking keppra 1,5mg about 1 month and there is definitely a improvement. i guess about 10 % with keppra, not much but nevertheless. and since yesterday i take clonazepam 1,5mg per day and i have to say its really a great relief. symptoms decreasing about 50% with afterimages, felling shitty or depressiv, light sensitiy and so on. i feel happy again. its a long time ago since i felt so great like this. its really a relief and i can think about other things execpt " fuck my visuals are making me crazy". i can almonst live a normal life again. i don't have forwards to take klono every day cause it's making me a bit dizzy and i'll don't fuck up this magic bullet. but i guess 1-2 times per week will be ok. so thats my experience. hope i can help some sufferes with my post. lg
  3. yeah mine are worse in the morning too and in dim light.
  4. my symptoms are afterimages (positive and negative), ghosting (by squinting it gets worse), floaters, bep, colour sensations... ok thanks but first i give keppra a try. lg
  5. ok thanks, i try to ignore it but then i see a light or an afterimage of a light and everything comes back again...its hell, i hope this nightmare will end soon. by the way we could talk german, i am from austria
  6. thank you very much nepu and jay for your advice. i will talk to my neuro to get keppra because the symptoms are crushing me down at the moment. has your ghosting also improved? this is the most annoying thing for me...
  7. Hi everyone I am reading for a while on this forum and now I have decided to sign up. I think I have HPPD or Visual Snow or whatever it’s called. I did three times MDMA and was a heavy weed smoker. As I noticed the first symptoms like blue/red dots in the visionfield or mild afterimages it didn’t bother me, smoked weed further because I didn’t know what this is. But since that it gets worse day by day and it won’t stop to get worse. So I decided to stop smoking weed (now 2 months) but that doesn’t change a thing. It get’s anyway worse day by day. I was by a Neurologist, did a bunch of test inclusive MRT, eye exams (vep, erg, neurophtalmology tests,…). Everything came back normal. He described me Lamictal because I told him that I have done a lot research, showed him prints about hppd, visual snow and what my symptoms (afterimages, ghosting, light sensitivity, colour sensations,…) are about. So I am taking Lamictal about 8 weeks (now 100mg) and it does nothing for me. As a result I decide to get Keppra or Klonopin from my Neuro. My question to you what should I try first? If it is hppd do this meds stop the healing process especially Klono? Or are they a bridge, if it’s healing, to me? Thank you for your help Yours Dave
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