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Safe to Smoke, Or Drink?

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Well it's summer, schools out. I have had HPPD since January 15th, extremely mild case (DP, Visuals usually only in Dark [Things Disappear, Visual Snow]) from a really bad Syntentic Cannibis trip (Spice). Everyone keeps asking me to smoke weed with them, and I have to say no, and when I explain it to them, I tell them that if I smoke I will have a panic attack because that's what I read online. I get responses like "I got a panic attack before it went away dumbass it only happened once" and people are starting to say that I am just making up excuses to not get high cuz I'm scared. Other people are completely denying that I have it, and saying that I need to get diagnosed to have it. People just don't understand. If I smoke weed, tobacco, or drink alcohol, will I have a panic attack, or will my visuals get worse temporarily or permanently? Thanks.

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I think weed made my hppd permanently worse and one time i drank till i passed out, woke up next morning and had panic attacks all day, i've had mild anxiety ever since (~4-5) Now i drink every now and then but i don't toke.

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The longer you stay sober the better off you will be. I would definatly stay away from weed if I were you because some people report that it makes them permanently worse. Alcohol is also risky but it seems to be safer for HPPD than weed. If you haven't smoked tobbacco since January then you would be an idiot to start again now even if it doesn't effect your HPPD (some say it does, some say it doesn't). I never understood why people smoke tobacco.

I got HPPD a few weeks after you and am pretty close to normal again now. I've stayed sober since then except on two ocassions when I drank a little. The first time It didn't effect my HPPD at all but the second time it raised my anxiety and visual snow for about a week.

Don't smoke. If you feel like you want to drink again someday you could try a few beers and see how it goes but don't do anything because of peer pressure. Your friends sound like assholes maye you should get some new ones. The longer that you stay sober the better off you will be in the end. Let us know how you do whether you drink or not.

Good Luck!

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I got hppd about 2 weeks before you from acid. However, I've probably smoked ~20 grams of weed since the onset of hppd...its really not that much but all of it was reeeeally dank and I'm postive that it made my visuals worse and has stunted my recovery. I'd stay away from alcohol too. All my friends are potheads so it kinda sucks to not smoke anymore but the next time someone asks you just say "I got fucked up on spice I cant smoke anymore" or "I trip every time I smoke now". After I quit smoking I would say "it gives me anxiety" or something like that and people would say similiar things that they said to you. But now people kind of understand after I started saying that weed makes me trip.

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Yea at the end of the night when you go to sleep, you have to be ok with yourself and your voice....not theirs. Just have some kind of game plan for when they get on to you and stick to it. Eventually if you keep telling them to fuck off or that you don't want to....they'll accept it. You might tell them like 50 times that you don't smoke and they'll give you hell for it....but then on the 51st time they'll get tired of it and say "oh well he doesn't smoke". Stick to your guns unless there is pussy involved

I'm not sure if it would cause a panic attack or not. For months after my onset I was paranoid about drinking or doing anything. I think it's good to be gentle but not paranoid. Meaning, have a smallllllll toke on it or maybe a couple beers and keep it light and see what happens and judge that. But don't give in to fear and paranoia just because

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If your symptoms are mild like you said, I would think you would have a chance of a full recovery. I wouldn't do anything that would screw that up. It's not worth it. I have smoked weed post HPPD and enjoyed it about as much pre-HPPD. I didn't.

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Don't drink alcohol! Just don't, it will fuck your shit up...i've said it before in other posts, it permanently made my hppd worse, it might take a while but it will happen if you continue to booze

I'll stay sober, I have been getting better. Fuck what they say, they can think whatever they want to, I could care less. I don't usually care what people think, they don't have to believe me.

Also props for this post, thats the attitude you need to have and keep :) People that don't have this disorder will not understand and never will.

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Don't drink alcohol! Just don't, it will fuck your shit up...i've said it before in other posts, it permanently made my hppd worse, it might take a while but it will happen if you continue to booze

How much/often did you drink to get negative effects?

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How much/often did you drink to get negative effects?

A weekend out for me used to be a 6 pack of rum or 3 700ml longnecks for pre-drinks(Before going into a club) In the club i would have at least 10-15 drinks this could vary from rum and cokes, jagerbombs, smirnoff ices, beer then we would usually have a bottle of 700 ml or 1litre spirits or 4Litre sack wine outside the club when we ran out of money or the club ended, the bender would continue on into the next day then i couldn't tell you what i had. Thats just a rough idea of what my habit was but it was a lot, before hppd i drank everyday not necessarily to get drunk, just because i liked to but as i realised i had hppd my habit slowed as i realised shit was getting worse, like i said in your other post( the one about you deciding to drink) the symptoms increased on a subtle level after every booze session until they got noticeably and permanently worse.

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I smoke weed before I go to sleep and drink beers/shots a few nights a week. I never get blackout drunk, and hangovers are a lot harder to deal with than before so I have to be careful...but I'm not ready to quit weed/drinking, not yet at least because that's my social life, that's just how it is, I'm living in a shitty appartment in a shitty neighborhood, it's not like I have buddies to go hiking or flying kites with...

so yeah, I still enjoy blunts and beers, even with HPPD. yes, it does make my visuals worse during and a few hours after use, but it's better than never hanging out with people and becoming a depressed hermit.

only you can find out if you can handle it or not. know your limits. I know that if I smoke too much or if I smoke while I'm stressed, I'll have a bad time. same for drinking.

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A weekend out for me used to be a 6 pack of rum or 3 700ml longnecks for pre-drinks(Before going into a club) In the club i would have at least 10-15 drinks this could vary from rum and cokes, jagerbombs, smirnoff ices, beer then we would usually have a bottle of 700 ml or 1litre spirits or 4Litre sack wine outside the club when we ran out of money or the club ended, the bender would continue on into the next day then i couldn't tell you what i had. Thats just a rough idea of what my habit was but it was a lot, before hppd i drank everyday not necessarily to get drunk, just because i liked to but as i realised i had hppd my habit slowed as i realised shit was getting worse, like i said in your other post( the one about you deciding to drink) the symptoms increased on a subtle level after every booze session until they got noticeably and permanently worse.

Well I'm going to try to stay sober at least untill august and then i will try a few beers. Even if It doesn't seem to make me worse I realize that I should probably stick to drinking no more than twice a month for the rest of my life and when I do drink I won't get hammered just drunk.

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I smoke weed before I go to sleep and drink beers/shots a few nights a week. I never get blackout drunk, and hangovers are a lot harder to deal with than before so I have to be careful...but I'm not ready to quit weed/drinking, not yet at least because that's my social life, that's just how it is, I'm living in a shitty appartment in a shitty neighborhood, it's not like I have buddies to go hiking or flying kites with...

so yeah, I still enjoy blunts and beers, even with HPPD. yes, it does make my visuals worse during and a few hours after use, but it's better than never hanging out with people and becoming a depressed hermit.

only you can find out if you can handle it or not. know your limits. I know that if I smoke too much or if I smoke while I'm stressed, I'll have a bad time. same for drinking.

Weed and alcohol make your hppd worse in the long run, especially if your smokin blunts all the time haha. Anyways, I smoked for 5 months after I got hppd and I regret not stopping sooner. I mean you dont need to stop right away, I believe I was mentally addicted to weed so I couldn't just quit cold turkey but you should start to slow way down, only plan to get high a couple more times before quitting for a good long while; at least long enough to heal. I miss being a pothead but I miss my normal vision more.

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Weed and alcohol make your hppd worse in the long run, especially if your smokin blunts all the time haha. Anyways, I smoked for 5 months after I got hppd and I regret not stopping sooner. I mean you dont need to stop right away, I believe I was mentally addicted to weed so I couldn't just quit cold turkey but you should start to slow way down, only plan to get high a couple more times before quitting for a good long while; at least long enough to heal. I miss being a pothead but I miss my normal vision more.

Haha I'm actually not smoking blunts all the time, they're my favorite but I don't smoke a blunt more than once a week with friends tops. For the past few weeks I've exclusively been smoking in the evenings. I almost didn't smoke tonight but...fuck it this grand daddy purple is just to beautiful to leave alone :(

I probably should quit smoking for a while though. Problem is, it seems like you have to quit for years until your vision comes back...I can quit for 3 months, but years? Duuuuuuuuuude...I would prob end up taking benzos :(

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ive had hppd for 5 years, i am now 20 and have never really changed my drinking habits. it feels like i might get drunk quicker for some reason but nothing really long term damagin. i quit weed for 3 years but started again a couple months ago. not much at all but that also didnt make me feel bad at all, but i would not reccommend it just because of what COULD happen. im going to stop my experiment because i dont wanna risk it.

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Believe me dude I was thinking the exact same way. 5 months ago If you asked me if I could go the rest of my life without ever smoking again, I would say f*** no! But now I think I would be able to never smoke again and not care. I dunno, I guess after a while hppd just made pot less and less fun, but still you need to kind of accept how you might never be able to touch weed again. I know it took me 5 months to accept that, so that's why I'm saying you don't need to quit right away. But now I don't even crave weed anymore.

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