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Just a logical context


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I want letter a logical explanation

I learned from my religion that some people try to make something hard to understand and try to make profit to go there way and make profit from them 

When you learn to think logically you can resolve a lot problems for your self buth exactly they dont want it.

Like if you.ask to a doctor will sport exercise help me ? They will say yes it is good for you buth they dont want to say if its enough to feel good, why? Because they cant offer or sell medication to the meds industry and he cant offer a good service to earn there money 

And if you dont ask anything what can help me they.puth you directly on medication why they dont ask do you have good cardiovascular condition?

Can you run 100 metres? Can you climb 2 floors ? They dont want to know then you will start a medication trial before you know are you in good cardiovascular condition, and this is the basic to feel good and you just hope and wait you feel better buth it that day will noth come easly and you will loose energy and hope

Logically if you geth first your cardiovascular condition beter with time and you feel fine and take some medication well then its fine, at the end your body create enough endorfines to treat your condition

Mostly its isnt so hard to find some solutions for our problems buth we overwhelm our self

Sharing my experience and lost a lot of time and hope and dont talk about all health professionals and dont blame them buth about the industry profit organizations


Edited by umit
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