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Posts posted by Trent397

  1. Hey guys I've had this for about the last 3 years, I have told literally no one, no friends or family because it's something that I'm ashamed of having. I've been on anti depressants for 4 years now and to cope with my depression I continue to drink and do drugs everyweekend. But I can't go on like this, my symptoms are getting worse, if there's anyone reading this with advise I would love a reply. The thought of taking my life has been very consistent for a few years now, I'm 23 years old and I just wish I could go back and do things differently in life. I pray to the lord most nights for help but it's my own fault I'm continuing the lifestyle I am, which is only making my hppd worse

  2. Yeah thanks dude, I feel running and excercise do help. But I will try meditation. This shit has nearly bought me to the end but it's relieving knowing there's others I can talk to going through it aswell.

  3. Hey guys, just decided to finally join a forum  which discuss HPPD.

    3 years ago when I was heavy into my drug use I was out at a club and a friend I knew said he had mdma. I went to his car and had two caps worth, and he convinced me that doing both at once, which I snorted, would give me a better high. 20 minutes later I completely lost my mind and it turns out these mdma caps were actually synthetic and were mda/acid based caps. For the next 6-8 hours i was completely gone not knowing where or who I was. And my friends were worried for my mental state. I eventually came out of the horrible trip and came back to reality, but was still shocked and scared of the damage I had just done to my brain. 

    Over the next few months I started to realise that the reflection of light from cars for e.g would stay in my vision for longer then usual. And at this time I also came off my antidepressants, (not knowing the side affects of how hard it really is to come off), and over time I have noticed my HPPD has become worst. I am back on my anti depressants because I feel like they help me cope better from day to day. But a lot of the time suicide is on my mind because of this and I honoustly don't know what to do. I want to cure this but have very little hope there will ever be one. I feel either Valium or xanax help me aswell as it cures the anxiety of my illness. 

    I am still a regular drinker and I know this doesn't help the cause at all but I feel like it surpresses the pain. If there is anyone reading this with helpful knowledge I would love to hear it :) 

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