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Everything posted by hppd33

  1. Hah. Yea im awake again. Slept 2 hours. Time to overthink my life again.
  2. no then i just crash, TC gives me a little less dp,dr and energie. I dont take more as i like my afternoon nap
  3. Thats no life man. Force your self todo something which you like but you dont do because of your anxiety. Dont Let it win. Im doing almost everything except flying or driving long distances in a car.
  4. I feel energie when I take 2 at 8 am. Then at 1 oclock I crash HARD.
  5. Jup into the train Come to Holland and I Will hand you some benzos
  6. if you ever tasted benzo's im not sure buspirone will work, it probably wouldnt for me, un less someone tells me hppd only goes away when your quit them, so you can heal.. i still think i can heal while being on benzo's. While there is a little voice in me is telling, dude you are screwed, you have a life sentence. I would quit the benzo's and go for buspirone, as an alternative for a benzo. Its going to be hard
  7. for some is beer a relaxer, for some weed is a relaxer. I know jay takes a few beers now and then. I take a benzo often, and i take coffee and i smoke. Its our own life. Beer is a drug too. Being anxious is part of life, and should not be eliminated by alcohol or drugs. HPPD is another story, its unknow and weird, and we want to enjoy.. everyone has their own strategy, simple. Read what you want, do what you want.. My focus is still on medication, (weed is no med for me) Nature will not heal me after almost 4 years of intens HPPD.
  8. im not an oracle no, im fine with it.. i have my own thoughts about it.
  9. you can have hppd, its called sleep paralysis. I have this and its creul. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_paralysis For me the days are scary , so are the nights. I have no escapes.
  10. Im 35 ive been there. Just listen to the senior hppders. You will go bad someday on canna
  11. Nobody tried it? Some articles tell me its a hppd med for trails and flashbacks. Might be worth a shot
  12. Was your dp pretty worse? Im happy you can enjoy again. Though weed is a major trigger for dp and depression, its your life of course if you go bad on weed 1 time your dp wil go trough the roof and your back at zero
  13. Did you also had pain in the back and neck which went away?
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